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Everything posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. I meant, you could have a few sunlight effects. Namely, sunset, sunny, or stormy. You could adjust the color and angle of the sun and color of shadows, and then match them with different skyboxes (sunset1, sunset2, stormy, etc.). If you look at Baobab trees, you'll notice that they include 2x the amount of wood as other trees, since they have such thick, massive trunks. This will allow you to place them farther apart, while still having enough wood on the map.
  2. Yup! That's the main reason most factions come with a ranged cavalry unit from the Civic Centre.
  3. Fixed. Thanks. It's because we added the Iberian slinger and the Cart Celtic Cav units long after the civ profiles were finished*. Addressing your other point, we'll likely adjust the unit attack AI so that Rams and most other siege weapons don't auto-attack meat units and instead attack buildings. *They're never really finished. We can continue to adjust them.
  4. Not bad. Nice and open. Good for gameplay. Some suggestions: The shoreline needs to be a lot smoother. It's too jagged. I suggest marking the fords with a bunch of reeds and lily pads. Check out my 'Hellenised Egypt' map for some ideas. I would use the Cretan Date Palms for now, instead of the Senegal and Date Palms. The former is brand new and looks a lot better than the others. The latter two will be remodeled sometime in the future. Play with them in Atlas to see what kind of configs are best. You will need to tone down the Sun color on desert maps so the terrains don't get washed out. See the Oasis map for a good lighting scheme for desert maps. Sprinkle in some more bushes. See: props/flora/bush_medit_small_dry.xml and props/flora/plant_desert_a.xml and cluster them around clumps of trees.
  5. Not bad. Suggestions: The shoreline should be smooth of you want sandy beaches. There also needs to be a nice transition of texture between the beach and ocean floor. Don't use the Temp highlands terrain texture for now. It looks ugly. I'm going to replace it sometime. Try using and mixing the gravel textures instead. Likewise, try putting some gravel texture at the base of the cliffs. Maybe try randomizing the skybox, between cirrus, cumulus, sunny, and sunny 1. Maybe try some lighting skins, with complimentary skyboxes. A sunset lighting skin, a "stormy"lighting skin, etc.
  6. Yeah, I could definitely see some "Infinite" mines being added to the scenario editor for specific custom situations. As far as regular games go, the only thing I'd want to see be "infinite" are Farms* and animals garrisoned in the Corral. Specifically farms: Do not limit the number of gatherers, but include a "diminishing returns" aspect to where anything over 3 gatherers on a farm would be less efficient than just planting another farm. *My opinion has evolved over the months to see the utility in infinite farms.
  7. Italian/Samnite swordsmen indeed existed. I just don't know what they were called.
  8. So, two different types of "Town Bells" then.
  9. So, you mean all nearby citizen-soldiers will stop gathering resources and immediately move to the nearest dropsite to drop off their resources, then attack the nearest enemy?
  10. I think in the meantime it should be relatively easy to switch the <GenericName> to the portrait panel and the <SpecificName> to the tool tip.
  11. There's an Iberian cavalry swordsman for the Carthaginians. I think originally they didn't want to double up the same unit for two different factions.
  12. How many scenarios were in Age of Mythology's tutorial?
  13. Right. But I'm trying to think about what's most possible first. I'm long past the days of grand plans. Would a dozen tutorial scenarios be cool? Absolutely. Am I going to make them? No. Though, once we hit Beta, we'll probably be recruiting scenario designers heavily.
  14. I don't think 6-8 scenarios will be required in order to teach how to play the game. I'm thinking 1 for the basics and 1 for advanced stuff.
  15. A 6 player match is awfully HUGE for a game still at Alpha stage. I'd really just try some 1v1 games or maybe 2v2. The fewer players you have, the less lag you'll have. I've noticed a lot less pathfinding lag playing against a human player than against an AI, so nix the AI players in your multiplayer matches for now.
  16. The Huns will be a standard addition (along with 5 other factions) for 0 A.D. Part II if we ever get to it.
  17. Alpha 9 will have Attack Bonuses implemented. So, Ram attack will be greatly reduced and given a large bonus vs. structures, making their attack against units not so devastating.
  18. One of the main aspects of the game will be to compete over dwindling resources. Markets and Traders circumvent this, but can also be raided and attacked, adding another interesting tactical and strategic aspect. Trees and Metal Mines popping up randomly? Notsogood.
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