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  1. Buenos días/tardes Aquí les presento el boceto mejorado para las barracas/cuartel lusitanas ; -Modelo de Barracas/cuartel lusitanas; (Vista frontal) (vista trasera) Disculpen las molestias *
    2 points
  2. You are correct when it comes to Arabic, there is only one written form of it, and it is understood by all Arabic-speaking audiences, so there is no need to have specializations for each country, in fact, the players will expect one Arabic language option to be available, more is just confusing for the players and makes translation way harder since other specializations are not standard Arabic, just local dialect used in day to day life in that country, and it is not expected to be fully understood by other people outside that country, but on the other hand, standard Arabic is used in official matters, and when understood, it is understood the same way by all of the people that know how to read it. So this basically explains the 0% in translation in those. So feel free to drop these and only keep one Arabic language option. Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) I also took it upon my self to help translate into Arabic a little bit, although i find it hard to translate names of places or people (you'd need someone with a background in ancient history, even googling and matching doesn't yield a correct answer, so it is acceptable to translate those names literally letter by letter.
    2 points
  3. Once upon a time camels were slow, towers out ranged archers and were stronger(?) and the cost of slinger and mercenaries really did hurt. Ptolemeus were pitifully weak, then became stronger and stronger each iteration and in the end it's about the cost of some buildings which break balance? Btw, as far as I'm aware people still usually claim Britons are the strongest. If people often play Ptolemeus, either it's because it's all about winning (guess this is true for a minority) and Ptolemeus are strong or because they consider the distinct play style fun. The Xiongu(?) from TM are the only other one which are truly distinct. The slight difference for the Celtic factions was canned as well IIRC. So it should cost 67 stone 6 wood and 3 metal. Let's fix all other "buggy" resource costs while at it! While I disagree with @borg- I at least consider his a valid point.
    1 point
  4. Buenas ! @Lopess Estuve modelando los techos ; (Tanto los techos como otros detalles espero que se noten "mejorados" , de igual forma espero ver sus bocetos ) Almacén; (vista frontal) (vista trasera) Disculpen las molestias *
    1 point
  5. I believe that if you watch some ValihrAnt's videos and reinstall for the fifth time, you're gonna make it. But as nifa and Nescio suggested, playing with multiple bots (some allied) can really be another interesting way to ease the difficulty and make the game more fun. Honestly, the bots can sometimes be better team players than some of the humans.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Macedonia 30 - Bactra (328 BC) After the victory over the Sacae at the Jaxartes, Alexander had the opportunity to deal with the revolt of Spitamenes, the Sogdian rebel leader. Alexander headed south, to Maracanda which was beseiged by Spitamenes, but by the time he arrived, the siege was lifted and the Sogdian rebels were gone. During the winter of of 329/328 BC, Spitamenes, on the other hand, had moved on to Bactra, the capital of Bactria, and has captured several nearby settlements. You have been sent by Alexander to reinforce the Macedonian garrison and assist Artabazus, the loyal satrap of Bactria, in the defense of the city and the destruction of the rebels. Upon arriving, Artabazus offers his welcome and dispatches a dozen horse archers to be at your service. Your primary objective is to defend the town, build up your own forces and work together with Artabazus to conquer the nearby rebels. There are also neutral traders in the area who may be suitable trading partners. Artabazus suggests that you use your cavalry to disrupt the rebels' trade for extra loot. A workshop not far to the north-east of our town will likely be willing to sell you some siege equipment. Meanwhile, a dock on a nearby river has traders in search of stone who would be willing to give plenty of fish in return. As you finish discussions, all of a sudden there is chaos and mayhem on the streets of the city -- the rebels must have infiltrated the town and are not trying to take it from within. To arms! AI Settings: Players 2 through 5: Petra with a difficulty of your choice. Players 6 and 7: Sandbox.
    1 point
  8. I suppose it's just a Google Translate plugin. It probably has little to do with the forum system itself.
    1 point
  9. hi people, you are going off topic again, please stick to the topic
    1 point
  10. Buenas ; Como "primeros" bocetos de los edificios lusitanos , aquí unas fotos desde otro ángulo de vista de los edificios para ilustrar mejor la idea de la arquitectura lusitana (como precedente o referente para otras creaciones de otros usuarios del foro) , en un futuro haré otros bocetos gracias a más investigaciones sobre la cultura lusitana en detalle y a un mejor uso de la aplicación 3D con los consejos de @Lopess ; Otros ángulos de los bocetos; (Los ángulos frontales de los edificios los subí hace tiempo en este mismo tópico) -almacén; -casas lusitanas ; -centro urbano ; -corral ; - cuartel ; -edificio especial- "Castro" (de élite); -edificio especial-"Castro Mercenario" ; -edificio especial-"Sauna lusitana "; -fortaleza lusitana ; -granja ; -herrería ; -maravilla lusitana; -mercado ; -muralla y portón lusitanos ; -puerto ; -templo lusitano ; Espero que esto les inspire para la arquitectura lusitana @gargvarun041 Disculpen las molestias *
    1 point
  11. Buenas ; -He rectificado y diferenciado el aspecto del "Centro Urbano" y el "Castro" ya que son edificios diferentes y se parecían mucho ; Aquí están diferenciados; "Castro" "Centro Urbano" -Ahora el edificio más grande es el Centro Urbano y el Castro tiene una torre. El "Centro Urbano" tendría las funciones normales de cualquier otro Centro Urbano y el "Castro" sería un edificio especial o único de los lusitanos que reclutaría unidades especiales y campeonas que además en él se podrían desarrollar tecnologías especiales lusitanas... Aspecto general; Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  12. Buenas Aquí les propongo un boceto de todos los edificios lusitanos; Almacén; Casas; Centro Urbano/Centro Cívico; Corral; Cuartel; (Edificio especial)-Castro; (Edificio especial)-Castro Mercenario; (Edificio especial)-Sauna; Fortaleza; Granja; Herrería; Maravilla; Mercado; Murallas; Puerto; Templo; Aldea; Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
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