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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-02-03 in Posts

  1. OK, here's a small PR with mixins and a few other tweaks for the encyclopedia https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/118 So, me and @Vantha have been talking, and we want to start adding what we have already written into mainline. We don't have a text for everything yet, but we've almost finished the Han dynasty, and we think 3 civs + a ton of other articles is enough to implement. Also, this will make it easier going on because, the developers haven't stopped balancing the game while we work and already the data files that are in the encyclopedia repository are different from the ones in mainstream. We can wait longer if the dev team is really busy, but we think it's time to add it. In order to do so, can I just use the 0 A.D. GitHub mirror here? https://github.com/0ad/0ad I already know how to use GitHub, and it'd be easier than figuring out phabricator. If it's easier to use phabricator I can use it, but someone might have to answer a few questions. Two more things: First, it would be great if we could move our sources also to mainstream so we don't have to juggle things in 2 different repositories. Maybe put them in /doc? Second: When the encyclopedia gets merged, it would be great if any changes to the encyclopedia be run past either me or @Vantha. Like projects have for code, with the articles, we have a certain style we're going for, and a bar of quality we'd like to make sure is met.
    2 points
  2. The head of Alexander part is unclear but the rest should be okay
    2 points
  3. since TemplateLoader returns undefined, i'm guessing you either are missing a template you are referencing to, or have a typo to a template you are referencing to (within the mixin's/parent's template ref). I think the errors that come after the 2nd error line are just the result of templateloader not returning anything. Which could explain why you can just play a civ just fine, but only untill that buggy template comes into play, if you haven't encountered it yet while playing it's probably a not much used unit. Those are my quick 2 cents but maybe someone else might help you better. EDIT: I also just noticed you have `.keep` files in your templates folder for mycea in both units and structures which troj doesn't have, you can try deleting those. It might be that templateloader is trying to initialize those.
    1 point
  4. Should be fixed now, There was a bug in the GUI. You'll also get a loading bar at the top
    1 point
  5. You can get the demo of the game for free on steam. It was fun. I liked reliving childhood memories replaying the Morgan Black campaign, it's probably my favorite RTS campaign with knights and pirates and a really cool bagpipe theme... I prefer 0 A.D.'s HUD, its closer to the original AOE3 I don't like how the developers are trying to squeeze every cent out of players with 80 dlcs and expansions, though.
    1 point
  6. Use the in-game mod selection tool under Options
    1 point
  7. I sent him a private message asking what he needs help with.
    1 point
  8. Looks like a petra bot bug, it's not supposed to be able to deal with naval maps yet.
    1 point
  9. [1714.699] error: PETRA.NavalManager.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/navalManager.js:832:42 [1714.699] error: PETRA.HQ.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2282:20 [1714.699] error: PETRA.PetraBot.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:118:11 [1714.699] error: m.BaseAI.prototype.HandleMessage@simulation/ai/common-api/baseAI.js:64:7 [1714.799] error: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js line 384 [1714.799] error: oldPos is undefined [1714.799] error: PETRA.TransportPlan.prototype.onBoarding@simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js:38... [1714.799] error: PETRA.TransportPlan.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js:290:8 I tried to transcribe the error messages and found similarities in #6757.
    1 point
  10. A temporary solution I found, useful if you are not confident with copy-pasting into a hex editor, is with a nice little command line utility: Swiss File Knife. It's multiplatform, and doesn't even require an installation. Just put the executable near your files and run it in a terminal. The useful command it provides is "partcopy", which allows to copy part of a binary file to another. An example command, to transfer elevation from a 385x385 uncompressed 16 bits greyscale .tif to a large .pmp : ./sfk partcopy [source_name].tif 8 296450 [map_name].pmp 16 -yes The number in the middle is the number of bytes. It must be adapted to the map's size: map size tif(px) bytes ----------------------------- normal 257 132098 medium 321 206082 large 385 296450 very large 449 403202 giant 513 526338
    1 point
  11. Hi all, I recently updated my old "South_East_Asia" to be able to run on new 0ad releases. I tested it on the 26 Jan build (revision 28018), and it works for me! Here how it looks like: Download the map and see more screenshots at https://github.com/crazyBaboon/0ad_geo_maps Let me know what you think!
    1 point
  12. Having enjoyed the game a lot, I recently thought that I would look to jump in and start helping by picking up some issues and seeing if I could fix them. 0-AD is a fantastic game, and the amount of work that has gone into it is amazing. However, there are a few friction points that may not be obvious to those that have been working with the project for a while. Personally I cannot wait until decisions around git hosting and development workflow changes (many of which are impacted by work associated with this thread) are implemented. Some thoughts about the current process and the suggested changes from someone new to the project: Having read through this thread, I understand the requirement to self host. Gitea or https://forgejo.org are great alternatives, but there has to be a realisation that to attract and enable new developers the Github model is the "normal" workflow for your target future developers (me included). Any deviation will become a point of friction. And one more point to make on this...if GitHub were to disappear or become onerous from licensing point of view, due to its size and ubiquity transferring to another service would most likely be both automated and trivial for the services that are not already interoperable such as git (ie issue tracking, pages, CI etc). This, from my point of view, makes it a negligible and easily mitigated risk. The current approach (SVN, patch files on issues, trac etc) is such a _massive_ issue to attract and enable new developers. Many developers have _never_ used svn. They have spent their entire careers using Git and Github, PRs are normal, branching and forks are "the only way". I am originally from the rcs/cvs generation and have spent a lot of years as a build engineer, and it was jarring to have to find and download a bunch of patch files attached to Trac issues and apply them in an attempt to even build the code. PRs, a consistent git-based branching mechanism, issues alongside the code (not Trac) and frequent merges/CI builds would make things significantly simpler. git-lfs, from my experience, can solve a bunch of the issues with large files. It is mainstream, can be self hosted, and is seriously mature now. It really can be a significant part of the solution. The build process is problematic. If you can build it in CI, it should be possible to replicate locally...and ideally CI is a _very_ slim shim around default developer workflow. Jenkins is a great choice, but it would be awesome if developers could model a build environment on the CI process really easily. It should be (almost) as simple as checkout and run single file. Moving this front and centre to development process would again simplify the onboarding process. I have been trying to build 0-ad on multiple OSs (mainly Mac) for the best part of a week, and still hitting issues that require patches or workarounds. Really keen on seeing the project become much more accessible to other developers, and happy to help where I can!
    1 point
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