SmartGit is much more user-friendly, it supports Git & SVN, it's free for personal use (you just have to enter a fake email during the setup/installation process).
PS: no, I am not affiliated in any way with them. I have just tested many git GUIs.
Regarding "moving to github", while I understand the arguments for not moving the whole repository to github (and I agree with most of the points), I still think it would be interesting (in term of "ease of use", speed, sorting options) to just move the bug tracker to Github. There are tools to perform this task :
Frankly, Trac is sooo slow and so un- user-friendly. It's sort of a pain to use it.
With Github, you can create milestones, tags (labels), assign developers to issues, link other issues in comments by just typing the issue ID, get donations for fixing issues (with Bountysource), mute comments, embed code lines in comments, ... but the speed and ease of use guys, frankly it's night and day.