OK, here's the proposed breakdown for the next alpha:
Since we already have a champion swordsman (Athenian Marine) from the port, the swordsman can either be a mercenary Thracian, citizen hoplite, or champion hoplite.
Athenian Hoplite - citizen hoplite
+ Athenian Hoplite? - citizen swordsman, either by switching or separate recruitment
Psiloi - citizen slinger
Thracian Peltast - Thracian mercenary javelineer
+ Rhomphaiaphoros - Thracian mercenary swordsman (not champion as the deprecating Stoa, but like the Seleucid counterpart, replaces Black Cloak)
Epilektos - champion hoplite
+ Epilektos? - champion swordsman, either by switching or separate recruitment (replaces Thorakites)
+ Iphicratean Akontistes/Light Peltast - champion javelineer (replaces already-existing Theurophoros)
Scythian Archer - champion archer
Perioikoi Hoplite - citizen hoplite
+ Perioikoi Hoplite? - citizen swordsman (replaces already exisitng Rhomphaiaphoros)
Helot Skirmisher - "citizen" javelineer (akontistes)
(Helot Slinger and/or Archer - "citizen" slinger/archer, optional, but some modifications have slingers)
Skiritai Commando - elite citizen swordsman
+ Skiritai Peltast - elite citizen javelineer (replaces already-exisiting Theurophoros)
Spartiatis - champion hoplite
+ Spartiatis? - champion swordsman (replaces already-existing Thorakites)
If the new proposed swordsmen be hoplites, they should also assume the phalanx position as if they wielded spears. The other option is that the hoplites (citizen, epilektos, Spartan) can change from dory to xiphos so they can be swordsmen, and switch back to dory if needed. Make the switching for citizen hoplites require Town Phase or a Town Phase upgrade from the Barracks if you want.