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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-03-09 in all areas

  1. We need some Papyrus flora eye candy for maps like this and other Nile maps. Maybe could make it gatherable and passable at the same time? Just a suggestion.
    3 points
  2. Make your final unit actor commits for this release and I'll make icons for them. Most of the Kushite portraits look to need updating. So, a new tower for smaller elephants. Snake crowns for the heroes. The new tack accoutrements for the cavalry.
    1 point
  3. Not sure but you may have to enable an add-on for blender to see .dds files they are just a compressed format of jpg,gif,or png files. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  4. Quite nice map on 1v3 SP. my best choice would be Seleucid spot in which the only way of having a prolonged game if the Persian AI or Kushite could phase up, train army and invade using the river. The Kushite I guess can manage to go through the land but could be hindered by the Gaia forts and towers which I could just capture then delete. This way the Carthage can easily trade with the Kushite. If Carthage won’t try to invade the Roman side, Rome can be captured then use that beautiful zigzag trek for the trade carts though should be halted when there are battles on the north. Sea trade could still be possible though but that northern water gap should be widened so that Carthage could also trade with the Persian. So far the Carthage can’t recognize the sea trade (maybe the gap is too narrow for their merchant ships?) as they keep on training land carts only that just die along the Gaia area trying to reach the Kushite. I will be focusing on this map on my SP it’s just really fun and quite realistic terrain. Maybe a bug I notice is a line (kind of old borderline (from square map?) along the Carthage base near the Roman temple Vista and stretching through the sea. It can only be noticed if you look at it in angle from the east of temple vista. Maybe it follows the human player color as I see it blue (my color). Also the Gaia hunts(deer) seems keeping the Roman gate open?
    1 point
  5. Updated first post (Added papyrus)
    1 point
  6. I still fondly remember the Roman Empire's role in the Gerudo Wars.
    1 point
  7. Should I call an exorcist? Also, there always seems to be one invincible Cucco in the coup. Is that a glitch or a feature?
    1 point
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