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  1. What about 560/3 4700/12 500/0 520/6 up at the top?
    2 points
  2. Uh, so a spy feature is implemented. How the heck do you use it? I can't for the life of me figure out how it works. When you guys add a new feature, it would be good to make a post explaining it. Here or on moddb, doesn't matter. Promote your work. EDIT: I figured it out regardless. It's, uh, unteresting. I definitely wouldn't have done it this way at all, but hey it's not my game. EDIT2: @Lion.Kanzen After researching the tech, go to the Diplomacy window and choose an enemy player to bribe. It will choose a random unit of the player's to bribe and give you their vision for 15 seconds. At the least, the tooltip for the bribe button should give you the cost of the bribe.
    2 points
  3. @Imarok: for that I suggest to read a bit in his post history
    1 point
  4. I agree that the diplomacy screen seems to be the wrong place, since the bribing a spy is not directly related to diplomatic relations. The diplo screen is only used everytime when we need to pass a playerID argument, as in this case. The spy request could become a button in a special building, like the techs, production queue and upgrades, but that needs some rewriting as we can currently have only one of these button types per row. Also it would require some kind of popup box where you select the target player in a dropdown. Interesting concept for sure to link features to heroes, they shouldn't just be the strongest military unit with some strong auras but enable new qualities.
    1 point
  5. Any suggestions on improvements are welcome (3 or 4 of them have already popped up after the commit, it was mostly committed to prevent endless rebases and rereviews of the same code). Core spy functionality with some heated arguments was added in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D117 Focusing on the spy after a succesful bribe was added in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D169 Testing code to prevent devs from adding hidden bugs is proposed in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D170 Keeping the diplomacy window opened after a successful bribe proposed in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D171 Some code cleanup following the commit https://code.wildfiregames.com/D172 Displaying the cost in the tooltip of the button https://code.wildfiregames.com/D173 I personally want to see a spy function for the wonder / hero in wonder victory / regicide gamemode, if the gamesetup option doesn't prohibit spies. Lobby players, including some devs are skeptical whether the price is too high and whether it should be restricted to traders, but the feature is still useful in some situations and it should be really expensive as we don't want it be used frequently. Summary screen extension proposed in #4498
    1 point
  6. That would be added to a screnloading tips.
    1 point
  7. To me the main reason why we're keeping all these Hellenistic factions is to not throw away the work that's already been done. I personally would probably have preferred to have fewer Hellenistic factions, and perhaps add one or two others, but it's not really the matter what I or anyone else think personally. What matters is what makes sense for the game, and from a development point of view. To me it's hard to argue for adding more factions as it's a lot of work even maintaining the ones we have and make sure they are as interesting to play as they can, and will be as balanced as they can be. I still don't think it's a good way to go to remove factions we already have though. Both because that would mean that the work put into them would have been wasted, and because we have said that the game will include these civilizations. Sure sometimes you have to change things, and remove things, even though you have said they will be included, but to remove something just to add something else instead doesn't seem like a good way to go. While I sometimes do use the word civilizations as well I prefer factions as the word civilization has some problematic connotations, i.e. is a group of people more or less civilized, or for that matter how do you define exactly what group of people is a civilization. A faction is simply a group that's been set apart as a unified group for this game, so it doesn't carry the same problems.
    1 point
  8. Since we're resurrecting a decade-old thread, I'll play along. I love the "real-time" part: Chess is the stereotype of strategy games. Nowadays "taking turns" is boring for most people. That's what I love most about Real-time Strategy.
    1 point
  9. Raiding! Raiding and using small groups of units to control large areas on the map. I also can't get enough of doing the weirdest strats ever (ever done a militia rush? In imperial?).
    1 point
  10. Battlefield tactics. Building a city the way I want. Letting the enemy build a city the way THEY want, defeating his army on the field, and razing his newly built city to the ground (taking all the women as slaves, of course).
    1 point
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