Hi all,
Im making a new map, the siege of Halicarnassus. This is the very first preview, it is still in progress, but i would like to receive some feedback.
Yes, it has a lot of props, i like detail, i'm just trying to make it more "vivid".
This is the reference im using, i didn't make it exactly as is shown there, i forgot to add some things while making it, but now that is that advanced it may be a pain!
This is what it seems to be the end of the map. Perhaps i could release as a 4 player maps (3v1), but, believe me, you cant play it (It lags without unit around, imagine it with units)
Anyways, I had to improvise the Mausoleom, with walls and ground elevation. It has some greeks buildings, as i understood while i was reading, they had some multicultural life.
I tried to make it, the most accurate possible, obviously, for many reasons there a lot things that cant be made, but in the other hand, i forgot many others .
Hope you enjoy it!