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  1. I'll make a new one for the new release of Millenium and Rise of the east (just soooo busy at work lately)
    3 points
  2. The Council is both happy and proud to announce a brand new release!!! I think this is what you all have been waiting for! Millennium A.D.'s first release ever! What is it? Millennium A.D. is a total conversion mod for 0 A.D. focusing on the Middle Ages. It is divided in two parts, this first one is focusing on the first half of the Middle Ages; the timeframe of Charlemagne and the Viking Age. The name of this release is Ashmen. This is the word Norsemen were called after by the Germans because they used Ash wood for their boats. What is new? This is our first release so in a way everything is new, but compared to last development the unit textures from the Norse faction are completely reworked (by wackyserious). Also we have better and more house variants. On top of that we have a new storehouse building. (all modeled by Stanislas69) I tried to capture everything in one high-res screeenshot: In the background on the right you see the new storehouse building. The two small buildings are two of the house variants. The units that you see are (nearly) all the new unit textures. Next to that we also added a Norse hero: Eiríkr hinn rauði (better known as Erik the Red): Who are we? The Council of Modders was formed up of two small modding teams and a few newcomers: Aristeia (about the bronze age) and Millennium A.D. (about medieval times) CoM aims to create a umbrella for all wannabee modders and help everyone needed and of course create their own projects. How to:1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into <installationdirectory>/binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod! Download: millenniumad.zip mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/millennium-ad/downloads/ashmen-19 In the last few months some members retired leaving us shorthanded. We are currently especially in the need of artists. So if you're a talented artist with a passion for history and you would like to help us out, please contact us using a PM or (preferably) in this thread: http://wildfiregames...showtopic=18412 Thanks in advance! Our thanks go to everyone that helped us to achieve this mod through contributing, play testing or in another way! If you have tips / suggestions, feel free to let us know. Also if you find bugs, let them know too. Support 0 A.D. if you like us: http://play0ad.com/community/donate/ The main menu background is made by Alexlinde from Deviantart. You can find him here: Alexlinde.deviantart.com The soundtracks are created by Antti Martikainen. You can find more of his work here: Anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com and Youtube.com
    2 points
  3. twice in a row i've noticed a problem on the Archipelago map where chickens spawn within the footprint (?) of the default civic center and can't be reached, which has hindered me twice now such that my hunters keep trying to get to them when they can't a much more persistent problem with this particular map, though, is that fish have a tendency to spawn on land and are uncollectable as a result since fishing boats can't get to them. this one i think can probably be fixed by letting citizen-soldiers gather from them as well (like villagers could in AOK) but the chicken problem is the more serious one, i think
    1 point
  4. good to know the fish thing is being discussed, but i'd recommend keeping the chickens in mind, too. it's only happened to me the two times so far, but ideally it shouldn't happen at all
    1 point
  5. One down! Norse - (Released/Almost complete) Saxons (Work in progress) Carolingian Franks (Work in progress) Byzantines (Eastern Roman Empire) Normans Arabs (Umayyads) Chinese (Tang Dynasty) Avars (Nomads)
    1 point
  6. I wasn't taking it personnaly just pointing out that unless you have a terrible graphic card graphics are not the issue.I have a HD7950 and get at most 110Fps on 3840x1024 which is basically the same than battlefield 3. Well with 0ad you can drop windows So don't worry graphics arent going to kill your fps but game AI and pathfinder might
    1 point
  7. Looks interesting, a bit like Welsh I still don't believe that it's spoken in Scotland though. There is some place-name evidence of a P-Celtic language that came before Gaelic, but that's all. I studied Gaelic at uni and would have heard of it if there was a surviving tradtional P-Celtic language in Scotland. English-orthgraphy pronunciation notes won't help a lot though, because Celtic languages just have too many sounds in them that English doesn't have. Plus English spelling is highly ambiguous Maybe you can borrow a good microphone somewhere or record on a friend's computer? Writing it down in IPA would also give us precise information. Sadly, IPA isn't taught in school usually.
    1 point
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