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  1. Hello everyone. I've been playing 0ad for a while on and of and I'm enjoying it. I like the progress the game is making and I would like to give a little bit back to the community. I was wondering if there was an update planned to the naval units ingame. Currently they look ok, but empty (nobody on deck etc.). Is it perhaps possible to increase the size of the ships ingame and at the same time put infantry units onboard the ships (similar to how it is done with walls) as an eye-candy? Or use this system where there are several 3D models for a unit to increase the variety of the ships? And could ramming be done? In any case, I could take a shot at the 3D models/texturs of the ships, if that is ok. Perhaps as a teaser a slightly older model of mine: (a roman monoreme as used in the battle of actium, no textures, around 5k polys)
    4 points
  2. It's sad to see you go. As a programmer, I found it great to see what you could do with our code. Especially as the code is still made mainly with 0 A.D. in mind, and not with futuristic or fantasy renderings. Showing what other stuff can be done with code is both a motivation and a test. I'd prefer to see renderings done with our engine of course, but I have nothing against people showing their work. So that's fine for me (though starting a new thread in the off-topic section might be better for that purpose, as it's not related to the engine any more).
    2 points
  3. Hello there, I recently commissioned German voices from Manuel Senfft for Wyrmsun, and since they are licensed under the CC0, I thought they could be of use to your project: http://opengameart.org/content/german-voices-0
    1 point
  4. Well, I don't know how to classify this news but I think it's safe to say I simply do not have enough time to work on this game. My two other projects are pretty much nuking all of my time, it will be years before those are even finished. I might still make models for this project whenever I have freetime, but I do not think I'll have any time to work in the engine and get animations in any time soon at all. I guess I'll just post out of engine renders here from time to time if that's ok with the moderators:
    1 point
  5. Triremes did serve as troop transport, but their capacity was not appropriate to their size and they almost always carried only their marines as extras, due to all those rowers and the thin design. Large expeditions would need real transport ships or huge numbers of warships. My suggestion mixing all the ideas above is: Village Phase: Fishing Boat - just fishing, no combat, no point in micro-ing a very small transported size for those. Merchant/Transport Ship - Can trade or ferry units, upgrades for more transport capacity on a following phase. Bireme Class Warship - Can ram like all warships and board or skirmish depending on crew (or maybe civ dependent crew and role). Can land her starting marines, which makes space for loading extra units. Same with loses. Small crew, say 10 units, landing them could work for an early game raid. Town Phase: Trireme Class Warship - Same with Bireme, but bigger, faster, with a larger crew. Alternatively, Biremes could be boarding ships and Triremes missile ships, or the opposite, but none of the two seems historically correct. City Phase: Quinquireme Class Warship - Possibly less agile than the other warships, with the additional option for artillery crew, or perhaps by default an artillery ship. *I think ramming and boarding were scrapped as features, I hope I'm wrong though. Especially boarding and ship capturing would be very interesting.
    1 point
  6. Ok, that makes sense Thanks Alright, I'll give tiny rowers a try. I'll probably also try to model ships from around the second punic war instead of the imperial age (the ships ingame look more similar to the ones used then).
    1 point
  7. For me the speed hasn't changed much between Alpha 15 and 18. I'm playing mostly 1vs1 with max. 150 civ. The biggest problems are rendering -> patches -> render terrain base -> unlogged and rendering -> models -> rendering bucketed submissions (Windows Visa, Core2Duo, x3100, lowest graphics settings within GUI, needed to disable glsl because it can't compile the shaders) - so rendering is the biggest problem for me ;-) Edit: Under Ubuntu (14.04, 64 bit, same computer, glsl enabled) It looks different: here te problem is render -> render submissions -> clear buffer Even if the gamestat is a few 100 kB (which sounds rather big to me to be honest, perhaps it could be may more effective with a binary encoding - yes, there is a binary form of JSON) It could be worth to transfer only the differences What are the biggest problems in path planing now? To be honest, it's surprised me that this should be the bottleneck - even on big maps and many (>1000) civs) Some random ideas for optimisation (don't know if they are already used ): * If a civ runs this way (source->target point) for several (>1?) times, assume it is free -> no recalculation of the path. If there is a new obstacle then recalculate once when the obstacle is (almost) hit * I hope that it not recalculated every 50 ms or so? * Stick to "static" pathplaning, only recalculate if there new obstacles occuring which are on the path * First try to find local cirvumventions on obstacles and not recalculate the whole path * Formations: As already being said: Do the global pathplaning only for one person (master) in the formation, the other do only a local "follow the master" algorithm. This gobal pathplaning could even estimate the width of the formations (as already being said) * Formations: If formations are crossing each other, but shouldn't interact (by e.g. attacking) try to keep the masters a bit apart so the "follow the master" algorithm doesn't need to calculate circumventions very dynamically
    1 point
  8. .....Triremes DID Serve as troop transport See the battle of carthage.
    1 point
  9. Fishing boats are just that fishing. And tirimes are the ancient battleships not transport ships they had marinies on them and so sould it be ingame. Why would you want to put a x-amount of men on a small fishing boat to get shot to pieces in a sec when if you want to scout you can use a faster ship and stronger. As long it is practical and based on real acounts then you can use fishing boats to use for early raids, But its a small boat so would be around 2/4 unit cap and you need alot of them for a affective raid s that would cost alot while when wait a little you can have a navy and transports for a assault. There sould be 3/4 types of ships with there own purpuse. Tiriems manned with mariniers and ofcource different types of ships with all there own purpuse. Transport boats for beach assaults with no ram abillity. Support ships Catupult/scorpions. And all ships will have ofcourse some tech upgrades or ability upgrade,s. Each ship sould have a own goal and with different styles every player can have there own way of how they use it.
    1 point
  10. Look to AOE3 for herding innovation over AOM. I like 0 A.D.'s relic idea for herd animals. There should be more. I tried to make the sheep garrisoning work for corrals in my mod but the official build of game kept deprecating my changes. See this thread which was largely ignore by official team: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19387&hl=corral I found solutions to problems by copypasta some of mimo's code from a ticket. But then there were other problem like can't doubleclick the garrisone sheep and the sheeps still try to wander while in the corral (in fact the sheeps do wander, their selection circles start to move around the maps, lol). These should be simple things to have fixes. I think most civ should have 2 type of trainable animal. Sheep/Goat and some kind of historically accurate cattle. Maybe Mauryas Indians can train the animals but not slaughter them (cultural aspect). To balance they get some kind of boost or tech to animal relic trickle. These animals should also be peppered around map, maybe guarded by gaia peasants? Domestic animals should be very easy to convert/steal, just like in AOE-series. Very easy, or else too much micro for benefit. I also had idea of "Chicken Coop" upgrade that makes corral spawn free chicken every 30 seconds (up to maybe maximum of 5 free chickies alive at any time). And yes, in my mod I create "farmlands" on the skirmish maps that encourage players to build farms out in the "countryside" instead of nestle inside his base. Farm field and farmstead are able to build outside territory so player can try to grab these farmlands early. Player arent prevented from building a farm inside his base, it's just way more profitable to build on the remote farmlands.
    1 point
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