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  1. So those days developpement around atlas is really active, so I decided once again to try help the team. So here is what I plan to do with those meshes. I can make new ones if you want one for a typicall reason I will make water immerged versions for the game that will have an aura, and deal damage to ships. The smoke is a placeholder in Blender it won't be in the final version however the geyser will. I hope at least some of them will get in the game. If they don't I will release them as a mod so people who want to use them will be free to do so.Here is what I've got so far. It's using the game textures. Any feedback is welcome.
    2 points
  2. I was thinking the same. Don't worry, just give me some time. Now i'm putting some animations in the game for fix up compatibily problems. i hope to show a full gameplay with the female citizen on this weekend... maybe earlier.
    2 points
  3. There is an issue when bones are exported from .dae files to c4d, that's why the Y axis was pointing where normally Z has direction (90 degrees). And that's happen with every bone as a single item. What i did was import the main model and bones from f_dress.dae, take out he binding, rotate every bone to his correct position, and then binding again. I'm losing textures and scale but i'm working on it, and also i'll have to make again all the animations... but i have the ideas, it wouldnt take me so much time. Even they probably will be getting better. And yes, i already downloaded SVN thanks to enrique. I'll put the animations on a gameplay as soon as i can
    1 point
  4. I'm close to make it work , also i'm downloading C4d r16 right now ( obviously a totally legal version )...I hope to clear this today and tomorrow continue animating
    1 point
  5. Not that hard. However, if you can send me à 90° rotated anim we could try to see if it fails ^^
    1 point
  6. For future references, SVN currently seems to compile fine against the 10.10 SDK. Can't try to run it just yet because I haven't updated to Yosemite yet. I'm still getting a linker error on the atlas UI but I think it might be my setup.
    1 point
  7. Created: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3004
    1 point
  8. Lion, I wouldn't have any problems with this map landing in the official game, but I'm pretty sure that it needs to be fully finished first. Stan, I must say that it looked simply epic on my 1080p IPS screen but now that I look at it from my notebook I must indeed say that it doesn't look very cool. It looks fine in-game though.
    1 point
  9. Actors can be selected by holding the Alt button
    1 point
  10. Thanks everyone, i'll keep searching for good poses and reading everything you're saying here, opinions are very important for the animation's development. and please be patience, this is not a hard work but it's a little bit slow. In the mean time, where i can upload one .Dae file to test it? i need to know if there's an issue with the c4d's exporter before i continue making more animations. http://www.mediafire.com/view/12ioop2vl1086qa/FemaleCitizen_Dress_Seeding.dae
    1 point
  11. Hi Jos3BV, amazing work as usual. I'll drop my input: First some explanations on my list: -The difference between relaxed/ready: This is because we want the units to look more aware of their surroundings, so we want to have a relax pose when no enemies are nearby, and one "ready" when enemies are close. An example would be units with shield: if no enemies are nearby, they will have their shield down, at a side relaxed. And when they have enemies nearby, they should bring the shield up and get "ready" in a pose closer to the attack loop, but still "idle". For ranged units, relaxed would be the javelin or arch down, at a side and when they're "ready" with the javelin up ready to shoot, and their arch loaded too. This is an example I made about static poses to give an idea of what I had in mind: Same for walking and running, if they're walking/running towards the enemy it makes sense that the units raise their shield according to the incoming danger. Right now units walk around the battlefield like if they're walking in the park *(NOTE: units being aware of units nearby to change their idle/walk/running animation is not yet implemented, but will be. So we need these animations) This difference makes that females do not need a "ready" stance for idle/walking/running since they do not attack. Sorry I didn't make clear that before. -Female walking looks too manly, let's try to make it a little more feminine (more hips-heavy, less shoulder heavy). The flow of the loop is great though . We want walk/run/idle for females to be different from males. -Mining... I think the previous iteration was better. Something close to what we have now would be nice. Good reference: http://youtu.be/sPwXhtg94-M?t=2m33s You're doing an amazing job man! keep it up! And forget at the moment about horses and fishing animations, core unit's animations are high priority now
    1 point
  12. Is there an overall idea for the balance in a18? I really liked the idea of certain types of units countering others. Like: sword infantry >> spear infantry >> cavarly >> ranged infantry Things are little mosh pit like right now in a17. Players just spam whatever unit looks cool. 100 archers here. 100 sword cav here. 100 hoplites there. There’s a big blob of a battle in the middle, and whoever has the most units wins. I really liked how in a16, spear infantry could kill cav at like a 4-1 rate, sword infantry could cut through a wall of pikes at like a 2-1 rate, and a small group of lance cav could chase off larger groups of skirms and archers. You really had to pay attention to battles, and make sure you had the right units at the right time. It was always satisfying see horses get knocked down against a dense formation of pikes, and frustrating to then watch said pikemen get cut down by swordsmen. The battles were more challenging, and there were rewards for players who managed their armies well. I don’t think this process of tweaking HP, attacks, armor, and rate of fire to make everything "balanced" is working. Things seem to be changing, but not really getting more fun. The lack of a clear counter system makes battling powerful units difficult. I love the idea of powerful units. But what are you supposed to do against fully upgraded sword cav or chariots? The sword cav can cut right though pikes and forts. The only way to counter them right now is with more of the same. Even elite sword cav should have to run away from a dense formation of pikes or forts. On another note, the game is a little more frenetic and stressful than it used to be. Pops are too high, and its difficult to move and mange such large armies. With just 10 carrying capacity to start, gathering sites are a hot mess of collisions. There are guys hitting 330 pop at like 15 minutes. I know the focus is on unit balance right now, so ill type more on that later if your interested in player feedback on that. Thanks for all the work you guys do to keep the game running. I'm just trying to offer a bit of feedback that goes a bit deeper than just "x unit is too powerful" type stuff. I know you guys have your philosophy on what makes the game fun, so I thought I would offer mine.
    1 point
  13. http://m.slashdot.org/story/191983 Big news for 0 A.D.? Feel free to share your thoughts.
    1 point
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