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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-08-12 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, this is my first Map, i just played around with the Map-Editor a little. You can download it here rar file: http://www.filedropper.com/battleofeurasia1 I did not know how to play it with others, without asking them to download, so i hope someone will test it from here and maybe tell me how it went. Its a 3 player map, everyone has its unique territory and in the end its about conquering the others. nothing too special really hope you still enjoy, D3CEPTION "battleeurasia.png" goes here : C:\Users\YOURACCOUNT\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview battleeurasia.pmp + battleeurasia.xml go here : C:\Users\YOURACCOUNT\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\scenarios
    2 points
  2. Hey and welcome:) 1) I think it's a design choice. Offensive civ centers near the opponent, followed by other buildings are not uncommon though. 2) Design choice again I think, but it works without problem imo, as requiring less or no buildings works as well. Not sure exactly what's behind it. 3) I've found treasures to be a huge advantage to people knowing the map, I could often gather almost all of them even vs good players. So I'm with you on that one. There's also a little randomness factor but that's not that big of an issue for me since I'm not a very hardcore player. 4) You can always use more workers to speed it up and I think it's pretty fine, but that also depends on the game pace each player likes.
    2 points
  3. I have some simple suggestions, I hope they could be put into consideration: Decreasing default popcap to 100. Since large army can cause lags, I think 100 popcap is more suitable for default experience instead of current default popcap (300). I know this will make the game less epic on high-end computers but I hope this could prevent new player from being discouraged because their first playing experience is lagging. AoE.II has default popcap set to 75 and still awesome as it is. Change 'Learn to play' to 'Help'. It's probably just me, but I expect a learning/tutorial campaign when I click 'Learn to play' button. I think it should be changed to just 'help' and put the button just above 'exit'. Integrate 'Language' menu in Options panel.Thank you
    1 point
  4. Yeah, those ones, thanks! I was especially looking for the AOM ones though. If such a thing is to be implemented in 0 AD, I can provide my wip list.
    1 point
  5. Here you can find a digitized dictionary of Old Icelandic, which should serve well for your purposes: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/texts/oi_zoega_about.html I managed to find the words in Old Icelandic for "farmer" and "warrior". They are: "farmer" = "bóndi" (see p. 65: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0065.png) "warrior" = "her-maðr" (see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png) "warrior" = "kumbla-smiðr" (literally this means wound-maker, and was a more poetic form of how to refer to a warrior; see p. 251: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0251.png) I couldn't find "chieftain" specifically, but I could find these: "a local chief or lord" = "hersir" (see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png) "chief" or "leader" = "odd-viti" (see p. 318: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0318.png) "warrior-king" = "her-konungr"(see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png)
    1 point
  6. Thank you. I really hope 0 AD will be known, I have been promoting it to all my friends (online and offline), and my relatives too. As to Spearhead, I'm quite sure he'll be a great addition, since he is by profession a historian, while at the same time, a very good gamer to boot. So we have a winning combination there.
    1 point
  7. Just curious why are you there then ?
    1 point
  8. Stan added a new siege tower for the Han dynasty:
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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