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Although the release wasn't that long ago, already a lot of changes were made last months. I've got much to tell so let's dive right in! New buildings and textures: Enrique Keykens (Art Dept. Lead at Wildfire Games) reached out and created a brand new building texture for us. Atop of it he modeled a new Civic Center: Thanks for that, Enrique! In the mean while our own artists haven't sit still and created additional buildings for our beloved Han faction. Here are a few samples: This wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for our concept artists who have done great work and made modeling the buildings a convenient task. Here are some samples, scan our forum for more of these: Units: In the past months several units were added/modified and some general balances and gameplay issues were fixed. Also a couple of helmets and armours were added. Expect a complete new feeling with the next release! New emblem: As sharpeyed people already might have noticed, we've added a completely new Faction emblem: Soundtrack: Omri Lahav (composer of the 0 A.D.'s soundtracks) created some music for us to feature in our mods. Here is a draft of one of the songs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wunlvnpuzmy6j5z/Omri%20Lahav%20-%20Hill%20of%20Sorrows.mp3 These were the most changes made till date. Keep in touch for more updates! P.S. the screenshots were made in the Custom Random maps in the mod, Leoss Plateau and Gobi Desert.5 points
Yeah reuse makes sense.From programming perspective I don't think it's hard to implement , since the game already has the building walls system.Of course it may require some adjustments but the basic idea is the same. Also saying that Atlas is quite separated from 0AD , makes me think the following : Wouldn't it be easier to implement an editor in game ? AoE3 runs it's editor from the game itself without the need of external program. As for the blend tool , perhaps something like the one in C&C Generals , where you you press a button and then all textures automatically blend with each other and so it doesn't look so squarish. Another idea is to make the circle brush draw more smooth at the edges , like in AoE 3.What I mean is to be able to draw a normal circle(tiny squares perhaps ?) rather than the already existing brush circle which draws squares. Another idea is to make it similar to most of the game engines , where you can use a strength/transparency bar so that when you paint the texture , the texture you apply is partially transparent with the texture that is already drawn on the ground. I am not sure if I explain this correctly so you can understand it and also I have no clue how hard it is to implement that in an Engine. The system I am talking is used , in games like Unreal , Unity, CryEngine or Skyrim http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg21/Darkrder/Tutorials/CK%20Basics/CK52.jpg (You can see the opacity text field for the current texture)2 points
Note to self : Don't forget to press the little F button. Here are all the anims. boar-final.7z2 points
Niektb reported to me not long ago that my chinese buildings were having strange normal issues as you can see below. This as nothing to do with textures, but that means your AO is wrong. How can it be wrong. Well you maybe forgot to triangulate your mesh, or have too much UVs. The game reads the two first UVs of the mesh. If there is three, and the last one is the good one, that won't work. I also noticed that sometimes the game doesn't like the smooth option. So how to fix this ? Make sure you have two UVMaps only and that the mesh is triangulated correctly (To be sure, export it in the game and import it back) PS : If you never saw this it's because your graphics are not set to high. Search for the user cfg and replace the code by those lines : gentangents = "true"gpuskinning = "false"locale = "en_US"materialmgr.PARALLAX_DIST.max = "150"materialmgr.PARALLAX_HQ_DIST.max = "75"materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max = "0"materialmgr.quality = "10"particles = "true"pauseonfocusloss = "true"postproc = "true"preferglsl = "true"renderactors = "true"shadowpcf = "true"shadows = "true"shadowsonwater = "true"showdetailedtooltips = "true"showsky = "true"silhouettes = "true"smoothlos = "true"splashscreendisable = "false"splashscreenversion = "0"userreport.enabledversion = "0"userreport.id = "e012e183767f1423"vsync = "true"waterfancyeffects = "false"waterrealdepth = "true"waterreflection = "true"waterrefraction = "true"windowed = "false"1 point
Apart from this topic http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18399 I didn't find any other topic where people can suggest things (all ideas gathered in one topic) on how to improve the map editor. -Add Triggers . sanderd17 suggested : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18764&hl=editor -Allow the change of the height(y axis) of objects ; of course this may cause issues with playable units and buildings but it will allow plenty of designing freedom for clutter and landscape objects such as rocks. -Allow the change of an object's variation without having to place it on the map first -Create a properties window , which will allow the designer to change different properties of the selected object(s). Some of these properties could be x,y,z axis , different flags(can be captured , snow model, etc...) , hitpoints, etc.. similar to this : Also you could make this window toggleable , so only advanced mappers can use it. -Create a faction window , where you can adjust the different relationships between players.(more complicated than the player tab). -Create a brush , which will allow landscape texturing(or not) and also the automatic placement of different objects.Age of Empires 3 has a similar system ,which automatically added different rocks,trees,clutter depending on the choice of climate/region. Such a tool can really speed up development and also have really nice results.Also one thing that could further improve this tool (AoE 3 lacked of this) is to create custom brush settings and add yourself what objects (rocks,trees,clutter) will appear. -Create a brush that will allow to draw passability ;This means you can create places that player can't walk on without having to place objects or create mountains and water. Image as an idea from C&C Generals : http://www.cnclabs.com/maps/generals/worldbuilder/tutorials/basictutorial/images/4-screen05.jpg -Create a similar brush as the above , that will allow to draw priorities. -Create a similar brush as the above that could allow you to draw visibility ? What I mean , is draw for a example an area , that will be covered with a black mask , until a unit enters in.Of course this will work vise versa , meaning the units that are inside the drawn area won't be able to see outside of it unless the move out.This can play a mayor role for strategies in maps and perhaps it will allow the creation of natural hiding spots. -Create a better texture blending system so each textures can be on another textures(add a transparency bar). At the moment I noticed that textures (even when select the circle brush) are small squares which is visible sometimes. -Allow the real time simulation(without button) of different decorations and animals.For example when placing a bird , it will automatically flight around the map or animals will play their idle animation. (not entirely sure if it's a good idea) -Allow the placement of sound markers , from which specific sounds can loop (mostly nature sounds) -Create(or reuse) a wall system like the one in game , so you can easily create walls and not having to place each wall piece individually. -Create a cliff system similar to AoE 3 perhaps.Yeah mountains are cool , but having a special tool for making cliffs is even cooler ! -Search and Replace function for Actors And Entities. Please post your suggestions as well so we can make this list even bigger and help the level editor become a better tool Off topic but still relevant to the editor : --> A bug I noticed , is that when you press the play/test button in map editor so you can simulate the real game , once you press reset , the music from the game keeps playing.1 point
1 point
This is my second map and I would really appreciate any feedback and suggestions you provide ! I hope you like it! Description : Each player starts on a small island in which there are few resources. There is a huge amount of fish in the sea and there is a couple of whales as well at the center of the map. There is also a bigger island on the map , where an old Athenian city was built and now Romans have made camp there so players should be cautious before going there.On that island there are plenty of resources , so taking control of it may be vital for the victory. Opposite of this bigger island , there are 3 tiny islands with some metal and stone resources on them.There are many sharks lurking in those waters and there are some shipwrecks as well. Galazia Thalassa.zip1 point
Hah, thanks, I'm really glad you liked it. The reason why I did not make it public yet is that I don't want to get anyone's hope extremely high up just yet (I've seen too many mods before that have been announced and which raised some hype, and then after some time it just died). I wanted to come up with something good before I'd show it :] Maybe in the next few days I'll be ready to do so! Anyway, back on topic. I'll get some games going and inform you guys asap when it crashes again!1 point
1 point
You can get utterly dominated and destroyed very easily, you need no hints for that . For hints on how to win, check out these threads: Help for a new player Hi, I'm very new to 0 A.D. I'm begginer and I need help Strategy & Tactics That last one is more advanced tips for after you master the basics. Welcome to 0 A.D., and may you have fun with it!1 point
Files in mods overwrite files in the public mod. So it won't change if the public file changes. But JS is very modular. The OO paradigm it uses is based on prototypes, which means you can extend the prototypes in other files too. F.e. if you want to have a separate attack function, you can just have a file with Attack.prototype.newFunction = function(a) { /* body */};You can use the above thing also to just redefine an existing function when needed. In this case, you don't have to copy the entire file from the public mod, and you'll automatically inherit changes from there, as it won't overwrite existing files, but only extend existing prototypes. When a change happens to a function you've redefined, you will have to update that manually. But there's nothing we can do against that. The only thing you have to watch out for is that your file is loaded after the file in public (else it would try to extend a prototype that doesn't exist yet, and crash badly). The files are loaded alphabetically. So you could either append something to it, like call the file "AttackMyMod.js" (the 'M' is sorted after the '.'), or use lowercase letters (lowercase is sorted after uppercase IIRC).1 point
Age of Empires was my first computer game, and (I'm quite certain I've already said this in a post on this forum some years ago) I've yet to find a game that gives me the amazing feeling I had when I played this when I was seven ... but 0 A.D. is definitely the closest any has gotten. I would love to be able to play a 0 A.D. 'AoE Classic' mod ... but I'm not sure about copyright (and about my modelling skills xD).1 point