First, sorry I didn't reply yesterday. Second, generally speaking this sounds like a solid plan and I think we should move forward with it. Third, specifically though it would be nice to at least have considered the hosting committee/people responsible for each service before actually starting to do these things (both so we are reasonably sure we have people for all tasks, and so we don't lose a lot of time waiting for people to do the different tasks). Fourth, I definitely agree with the opinion expressed in the IRC discussion that options for backup are best investigated once we know for sure what's needed. However, I do think we should have backup routines for all services set up before going live (on a per service basis I mean, not that everything has to be set up before we can start actively using say the IRC bot). I don't think anyone thinks otherwise, I just want to add it as a reminder so we don't forget. Fifth, once we have a decision (and assuming we decide to move forward with the plan above) I suggest that Aviv contacts SPI to investigate for sure whether they might pay via credit card/that we after talking with SPI contacts the hosting company to investigate whether that truly is the only option (might be different if you have an organization like that to handle things than for individuals).