The Lusitano is an ancient Indo- European language of the Celtic branch, possibly before the division between goidels and bretons or even a third more archaic branch . This is the opinion of linguist Armada Pita: " According to my opinion , this is a Celtic branch (possibly prior to the split between goidels and bretons, or well a third branch) of an archaic type " - Armanda Pita (1999 : 260-263 ) . He knew himself 5 Lusitanian inscriptions in 4 locations, all spelled in the Latin alphabet, carved in stone . What did call attention to these inscriptions is the initial conservation / p / , as seen in PORCOM . The Celtic languages had lost that / p / Initial throughout its evolution : compare yourself with Athir / orc ( Irish Gaelic) and pater / porcum ( Latin) meaning " father" and " pork" , respectively. The presence of the / p / could - explain why being a very primitive Celtic , just prior to the loss of / w / initial language . Not long ago, John T. Koch, analyzing ancient stelae (gravestones with inscriptions in South Lusitanian alphabet) in southern Portugal, Algarve current region, which housed the ancient civilization tartéssica and Conia, concluded that the language South Lusitanian one Celtic language. ( ) So it has been confirmed that the atlanto-Western peoples of Iberia speak the same common language. The current Portuguese or Galician- Portuguese , according to Robert Omnes (1998 : 247-268 ) professor at the University of Brest states that the Galician - Portuguese substráticos has important elements that determine the Celtic language as a " patois " celto -Latin . View: That said, if it comes to subdivide the current Iberian faction among Lusitanian and Iberian, naturally could adopt the old Gallaic-Lusitanian rebuilt, leaving the Iberians ( themselves ) with the proto-Basque as it has set.