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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-24 in all areas

  1. To all the guys in the art team (Enrique, Lordgood) at first I thought you wouldn't like me (laugh), the guys who should be (Lion Idanwin, Sightvar, Micket) and the guys for the programming team (Wraiti Sanderd, Historic Bruno) I want to say thank you for everything. When i get involved in something that i like I make so many thing that i start to forget about it, so I make this thread to recap what you helped me achieve. I hope I will continue to work for this wonderful project, and get to know you guys well, And also be part of the team one day =) To All Regards Stan Warning HUGE =)
    1 point
  2. Using actual Japanese characters? If so, you won't be able to check them because our fonts don't contain them yet. As leper said, you definitely need tinygettext, which is bundled in libraries/source/tinygettext. The other dependencies I can think of which may or may not be included on OS X are libicu and iconv. So you need to build tinygettext in the correct location and update the premake script extern_libs4.lua for "macosx", probably using the same paths as for Windows, like we do for other bundled libraries. I might test it myself on OS X and if I get it working, I will push the changes. Wouldn't cmake work? It has the scripts anyway and I used them for the Windows build. Let's not require yet another build tool just for tinygettext
    1 point
  3. Just because they will be rare, doesnt mean that the polygon density should be any higher. It won't be discernible from a player's perspective
    1 point
  4. There is no strongest faction, This game is supposed to be balanced. The fact that the camp is unrepairable reinforces the fact that it is a temporary structure used for assaulting an enemy or guarding a point in the frontier while the civilization expands its borders. In the time it takes an enemy to destroy a camp, there should definitely be enough time to build a civ center close enough for a stone fortress.
    1 point
  5. It won't work this way. Some minor cost/effectiveness imbalance could work as faction bonuses/debonuses, to add historical flavor when applicable, but certainly not on this scale. For example 10% cheaper (than their balanced cost) elephants for the Mauryans, 15% stronger champion cavalry for the Macedonians, or 20% faster trained swordmen for the Romans could work. Something simular is already in game if I'm not mistaken, for example spearmen of the same cost having slightly different stats for different factions.
    1 point
  6. The building restriction is the only purpose territory serves. Am I understanding correctly that you then wish for that to be removed? Also I think the reason for 'rule' is more likely the opposite of what you stated. i.e. Not to protect the player building, but rather the player being built near. It would be incredibly annoying to have an essentially permanent enemy fortress in your lands with no downtime or windows of opportunity. Forcing it to be temporary brings some counter play by providing these Following on from the preceding point, the camp should most definitely deteriorate if there are units in it. A building with incredibly high effective HP and dozens of arrows shooting out that can be constructed and repaired anywhere. That would be nigh uncounterable. It would likely result in a large locus of control around the building with very little counter play. The other player would have to avoid that area at all costs with no opportunity to break back. Lastly, if the army camp is to be made more difficult to destroy via hack attacks then it needs a serious nerd to the crush armour. (IIRC the army camp has the highest crush armour of any building, including walls)
    1 point
  7. I don't know what you have in mind but to play around a bit some links: Some heightmaps: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/heightmap/?page=2 Small, fast and free image viewer that can resize/resample, convert to grayscale, color correction(contrast/gamma) and some global filters (blur). It also supports many formats. Really one of my favorite programs: http://www.irfanview.de PNG pictures are not always imported correctly in Atlas so JPG is the format of my choice. If the compression create to many artifacts you can lower the compression after editing while saving.
    1 point
  8. Maybe I will do some, I'd like to be part of the 0AD team first =) Also, I have a lot of stuff to finish - Fountains - Gladiators - Stone Pillar - Rotary Mill - Mines/Carry - Moai - Iberian Barracks ( Enrique will make something from scratch)
    1 point
  9. on the start menu, click on the link Open logs folder under the 0.a.d menu, when windows explorer is opened enter the sim_log folder and enter the right directory (one directory per game), you can use the date filter in order to choose the correct one...
    1 point
  10. Has anyone any new reference of other works based on Antiquity featuring alert bells ? There's a 2011 film called "Immortals", based on greek mythology, in which when a small village is attacked, a watchman rings a big bell to warn the population. The bell is a big metal (bronze ?) cylinder with an opening so the cross-section has the shape of a "C", the opening turned downwards. The cylinder is about 1.5 to 2 meters long, 40 to 60 centimeters large in diameter, and 2 to 3 centimeter thick. It's attached to the roof by one or more ropes or chains attached to the middle of the sheet. There's no clapper, the watchman just hits it vigorously with a mallet. "Immortals" is not supposed to be historically accurate, but I guess they didn't have the idea from nowhere, so it might be relevant considering it.
    1 point
  11. A problem with a recently added string (which I'm not sure here is the right place to ask about): string #2890 on Transifex "second"/"%(time)s seconds" contains a pair not only different in pluralization, but in an additional variable. This makes translation unable for non-plural languages, such as Japanese, because Transifex doesn't allow them to separate. Is it solvable by changing the original string table or something?
    1 point
  12. I find the current way of building kinda realistic. A barracks or fort would almost always be built near owned lands or new colonies (new civ centers here), not at a random spot in the middle of nowhere. From a gameplay perspective both choices have pros and cons.
    1 point
  13. I gave the African minifaction a try. This would allow people to place small village that don't participate in the actual game (i.e. they are not there to fight) (maybe add a marketplace? that way you could trade with them...)
    1 point
  14. Hello back. I found this that you might want to check, an Etymological Dictionary of Basque in English. This one is especially great because it says when a word is lent from Spanish or other language. http://web.archive.org/web/20110607202936/http://www.sussex.ac.uk/linguistics/documents/lxwp23-08_edb.pdf I noticed that the new blacksmith building doesn't have a name. According to this document it could be [h]arotz ("smith"). An alternative ol[h]a is identified as "forge, foundry" but then says that it can mean just "place". Other changes: Cantabrian Cavalry / "Caballero Cantabro" - > Kantabriako Zaldun (interestingly the document notes the similarity between Basque zaldi, horse, and thieldo, a "Hispanic" word for horse recorded by Pliny. This one identifies baratze not as "orchard" but as "garden" instead. Several other words are given for "field" including okuntza, berro/berho and ganbo/kanbo (from Latin Campus) for "sown field"; sor[h]o for "field, meadow, estate, farm"; and galsoro for "wheat field". Azoka apparently comes from Arabic Suq so it's barely better than Merkatu. Other words for "Market" cited are zeia and arruga.
    1 point
  15. Fantastic track from Metric, about the economic collapse.
    1 point
  16. Source. http://www.vkeong.com/2010/08/my-europe-trip-2010-rome-italy/
    1 point
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