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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-06 in all areas

  1. Hello All, Sorry for my prolonged absence. I'l be getting back into the programming thing in the new year. Its good to hear all of this oniterest in the sound stuff. I'll try and explain some thing as easily as I can. I'll also be writing up a short description of how the sound stuff works. Some of it is counterintuitive but it explains a lot of why we do things the way we do. Currently the sound system will locate a sound source so when listening in stereo sounds from the righ of the screen come out of tthe right speaker. My issue with the battle intensity sounds is that this would largely eliminate that. and I think it would be bad. I believe if we had formations, and could easily locate a group of fighters to one area, it would then make sense to have one sound for 10 archers firing instead of playing 10 singe arrow shots at one time. But otherwise we lose a lot unless we introduce some complicated method of grouping and locating similar fighters. Of course we need to be very careful not to do anything that takes too long. This code would need to be executed every frame. I have always worked to keep the computation time to a minimum there. Also note that the current code does alter the pitch, volume and frequency for most sounds randomly. This is in addition to the 10 or sos sounds there are for a sword clank. These also get used in a random order and have their volumes and pitches altered randomly. I think it is important to remember this is a game. The sounds should first serve the game, making sure to alert the player of important events, and not serve to confuse them with too many sounds. It would be nice if in addition to that everything sounded like a hollywood movie battle scene, but playability should come first. Please feel free to ask any questions. I'll try to be in IRC more too. Let me know if there is a good time and I can try to be online.
    2 points
  2. I don't know about everyone else, but I like diplomacy and the political aspects in an RTS very much. After all this is realism and a very if not the most important aspect of the time and game. Is there plans to make the current AI more diplomatic? Things I'd really like include: Lots and lots of ally commands... Attack Defend Send reinforcements Man the walls Build a building or fortification here Send resources _____________ And strategy Command allies in battle with different strategic options like flank or troop movement. These are very few suggestions but this will be such an integral part of the game
    1 point
  3. Hi all, Its probably too late into the development now for it to be of any use, but I thought to just post some concept sketches I've done/doing. Starting with the Civ Center, because I remembered saying somewhere that the current design don't feel "Han Dynasty" enough. (Sorry to be so blunt) Its just for fun mainly but it would be sick if they can help with future development in any way at all! Sorry if it look a bit crappy, I'm no good! I'm working on the rest of the buildings and there will probably be units as well when I have time. EDIT: Noticed that I've written the plaque text the wrong way round, so I moved them.
    1 point
  4. Newcivs, this isn't a random map bug, your computer is just too slow to handle it (and most regular computers will be too slow).
    1 point
  5. the name is 1000 A.D not as starting age. its becuase takes 500 A.D to 1500 A.D
    1 point
  6. Don't sell yourself short, that sketch is fantastic!
    1 point
  7. If I recall correctly, you should be able to rejoin in the lobby. (The game should still be in the gamelist with your slot reserved for you). Clicking Join Game should allow you to rejoin.
    1 point
  8. No, these are Sassanid's allies and natives from subjugated regions. The infantry armed with short spear and a shield are Yemeni troops which is beyond 0 AD time frame but the Omani Marine did appear in 0 AD time frame so i decide to post the picture on the previous post.
    1 point
  9. I think some of this stuff belongs on the suggestion thread. This is the alpha 16 wishlist, which would mean shorter term goals that are actually reachable with the limited manpower (and possibly funds) we have right now. a lot of these suggestions would require a lot of work, testing, and re-balancing even something as simple as a 'mine' building could consume the entire art department's output for months, and that's depending on availability
    1 point
  10. Eso ya lo tenemos, yo decía acomodar las templates. Basado en el documento de diseño.
    1 point
  11. Jan has responded on the Trac ticket. The fix looks simple, so it should be in the next release Until then, you should be able to Continue or Suppress the error and continue playing the game without issues (it's more of a sanity check than some critical part of the engine).
    1 point
  12. Okay, so it is mostly for portability issues ? I'll ask him maybe he wants to change his mind. He's not really my friend though, we have working together thats it
    1 point
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