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  1. Just going to chime in and mention that we have had problems for SuperTuxKart because some drivers report they can handle frame-buffer objects while in reality they can't. Otherwise the 3D engine we're using should disable it automatically. In other words: never trust a driver. It might be drunk.
    2 points
  2. What are these tall structures?! pew pew... pew pew pfff who needs props anyways? Ptolemy skinny arrow shooty building! I totally see what you mean now Enrique, that yellow can be tough to break down should have put that border thing around the corners, maybe. I dunno, I'm tired been modelling all day xP Time flies in blender eh? Ptol_tower.zip
    2 points
  3. fixed the stuff and added some things and whatnot Kart_temple_2.1.zip
    2 points
  4. I know you won't have time to change it, but that statue looks really bizarre for a monument to conquest. It seems like an old scholar or something, which I'm guessing is not the impression that would have been desired I would imagine something more aggressive and imperial.
    1 point
  5. Solved my "problem" per editing the XML files. The files are "case sensitive". I was capping them to show that they were modded. Some programs allow this, this one does not. No problems now! btw...outstanding program...kudos to all the programmers & contributors.
    1 point
  6. A good Phoenician hero unit I can think of would be King Hiram I of Tyre, a 10th century B.C. contemporary of Kings David and Solomon. http://www.middleeast.com/tyre.htm http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/266762/Hiram http://phoenicia.org/govern.html
    1 point
  7. It has sightly bigger footprint than the persian temple. Here are some references: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/Philae,_Trajan's_Kiosk,_Aswan,_Egypt,_Oct_2004.jpg http://cdn2.vtourist.com/4/5090784-Trajans_Kiosk_Philae.jpg http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4025/4677163356_d84422f60f_o.jpg Cool vid Lordgood! Some tips for UV mapping: - Always use Ctrl+A - Apply Scale before unwrapping. - For squared objects (almost every building) is better to choose the "conformal" method to unwrap instead of "angle based" (on the tool shelf on the left of the viewport at the bottom after unwrapping) - Try to scale the UV islands in the X and Y at the same time. The less scaled in only one axis (stretched), the better. - Use the mirror modifier whenever possible (specially on symmetric structures). It's a huge time saver (less time modelling, less time unwrapping) - I try to avoid Ngons as much as possible, they tend to distort the textures, but this is more a personal preference
    1 point
  8. Awesome models guys and I enjoy watching the sketching and modelling process! I think the video would benefit from a little higher resolution. I have to agree with WhiteTreePaladin about the temple. For me it looks more like a shrine (or something smaller) than a temple. Did you model it based on a reference image?
    1 point
  9. Yeah, like the Athenians, Spartans, Macedonians.
    1 point
  10. Is this usefull? The Proto-Celtic language, also called Common Celtic, is the reconstructed ancestor language of all the known Celtic languages. Its lexis can be confidently reconstructed on the basis of the comparative method of historical linguistics. Proto-Celtic is a branch of the Western Indo-European languages, with the other branches Italic languages, Germanic languages and the Balto-Slavic group. The exact relationships between these branches are under discussion. The earliest archaeological culture that may justifiably be considered as Proto-Celtic is the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture of central Europe from the last quarter of the second millennium BC. By the Iron Age Hallstatt culture of around 800 BC these people had become fully Celtic. The reconstruction of Proto-Celtic is currently being undertaken. While Continental Celtic presents much substantiation for phonology, and some for morphology, recorded material is still too scanty to allow a secure reconstruction of syntax. Although some complete sentences are recorded in Gaulish and Celtiberian, the oldest substantial Celtic literature is found in Old Irish, the earliest recorded of the Insular Celtic languages. Proto-Celtic to English word list http://www.wales.ac.uk/Resources/Documents/Research/CelticLanguages/ProtoCelticEnglishWordlist.pdf
    1 point
  11. Old Irish is the oldest form of Goidelic that we have good evidence for, so it could be used for the Britons. We could then go for the Brythonic branch for the Gauls, unless we find someone who can reconstruct enough continental Celtic for these phrases? Akerbeltz has been working off that list He's a linguist, lexicographer and translator, so you can be sure he will take grammar and pronunciation into consideration and not just the vocabulary with everything he posts Here is the list with proper formatting and necessary word censor cheat What is it? Coté?My lord? A thigerna?I will walk RegaI will go out against Rega assI will build Con·utsaI will work land TrebfaI will gather together TecalfaI will herd Bia oc ingaireI will fish Ad·cichlusI will attack! Do·fiusI will repair LesaigferI will hunt Do·sifiusI will heal ÍcfeaI will march! CichseaI will retreat! TeichfeaBattle cry In comram beós!I will garrison Géba dúnad
    1 point
  12. I think that would be far from trivial. It’s not just taking out those limitations. Anything that affects gameplay may require some re-balancing; for example, if a faction has some heroes, technology or buildings that only make sense with the territories system in place, you would need to review those. I think this would be material for a mod on top of “0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant” (“0 A.D. — Empires Everywhere”? XD).
    1 point
  13. This may help. Old Celtic http://www.univie.ac.at/indogermanistik/download/Stifter/oldcelt2008_2_lepontic.pdf Common Celtic(proto celtic) http://www.wales.ac.uk/Resources/Documents/Research/CelticLanguages/ProtoCelticEnglishWordlist.pdf Celtic Lexicon http://www.wales.ac.uk/en/CentreforAdvancedWelshCelticStudies/ResearchProjects/CompletedProjects/TheCelticLanguagesandCulturalIdentity/CelticLexicon.aspx
    1 point
  14. Temple and farmstead based on Lordgood's concept commited. Buildings now have normal and specular maps.
    1 point
  15. I'm not sure if both Celt factions will use Old Irish, I'm not even sure where Old Irish was agreed to, but for reference on what phrases are required see: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=449&p=257410
    1 point
  16. My concept of mini factions: 1. Civilized mini factions - a settled faction that looks like a major faction in the game, have a civic center and able to build all kinds of building and train their own units even champion unit just like any major faction, capable to expand its territory and have its own abilities to make diplomatic decisions. 2. Nomadic mini factions - a faction who have a mobile settlement or no settlement at all, some of these factions was able to pack and unpack their civic center as they wish, like the civilized mini factions have diplomatic stance that enable them to forge alliance with human player or even non human player or vice versa they could wage war against human player or non human opponent. structures are less complicated than any civilized factions but some of these nomadic mini factions was able to transform themselves into a civilized mini factions given a considerable time and resources. 3. Pastoral mini factions - a mini factions that have the trait of a civilized mini faction and nomadic mini factions, looks like a civilized mini faction but yet lacks the full ability of a civilized mini faction capable of making diplomatic decision and have the ability to transform themselves into a civilized mini faction like the nomadic mini faction.
    1 point
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