You may, or may not, know that M$ are going to be re-releasing AoEII and The Conquerer's Expansion on Steam with HD graphics. Now, you might be thinking that this is amazing and what we have all been waiting for, I know that's what I was thinking. But then I saw a video explaining what is actually being done. It turns out this "HD remastering" will essentially only be a patch - or rather, only include features that can be added in a patch - but sold as a brand new game. What you will find is that they have inlcuded higher resolution options, higher resolution textures, and steam support. Not only are higher resolutions already available for free (via mods), but all these features could simply be add into the already existing AoEII with a patch. And done so for FREE. If you already have a copy of AoEII, please don't let yourselves be ripped off by this. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of supporting the games industry - I never pirate or buy used games - But, people who buy these sorts of things are having a detrimental effect on the gaming industry. It's worse than buying yearly releases that offer very little amount of new things - in this case, it offers NOTHNG new. Don't support this type of behavious in the games industry.