I have, but not as a player. I was spectating a game and they were aswell, together with some other players. They were addressed by the name of their main account and held a normal conversation (i.e. they didnt react in a manner that would suggest that they are not that person), which imo would be sufficient evidence that they are indeed using a duplicate account.
Well, "changing the smurf accounts name" means atleast annoying the person behind the smurf account. And if we arent just talking about a specific player, it might even be enough to show them that this behaviour is not tolerated and they might stop doing it. Of course, there will be certain people that don't care about this community and either can't realize the wrongness of their behaviour or won't change their ways regardless.
But those are rare even among the smurfs. You can talk with most players. (e.g. you mentioned decger smurfs sometimes? I don't think he's a "lost cause" and will just keep making new accounts if we ban his duplicates...)
Hi @TheCJ, thanks for the reply.
First of all, i have never whitnessed anyone to admit playing on a smurf account, if they didnt right after joining. Also i already said it above: Reporting does actually NOTHING, except to change the smurf accounts name.
Yep it is a problem: Since there is so many smurf accounts, actual newbies have it even harder to get into TGs, and just banning no-rating-people is therefore unsatisfying. This is why i am asking community to about ways to deal with it.