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    • Hello there! Do you realise all work here is done for free   Do you have any work you'd like to show? Anything you are interested in ?
    • I'm pretty new to forums so I may not be very agile in here, but basically I'm willing to help modelling and texturizing if needed, maybe even animating. 
    • Units: Cavalry: Heavy cavalry: spearman Ligth cavalty: javalineman Infantery: Light spearman Javelineman Archer Heavy swordman Champion: noble spearman, noble spear cabalry
    • Reccopolis was the first city founded by Visigoths it was built by Leovigild in honor of his son Recadero I in 578 A.D. It functioned as an important urban center, capital of Celtiberia.  
    • The military control of the peninsula by the Visigoths would be effective through the establishment of private military garrisons belonging to the nobles in the main cities, the noble beig more important the more important the city in witch his garrison was established. The Visigoth troops attended the call for arms for the duration of the campaign and had to pay for their food and equipment. It was an army of wealthy aritocrats known as Seniores Gothorum united to the king through relationships of servitude or fidelity (about 500 families) who recruited troops from their servants. They are therefore a private army that had to help the royal host, they would be a professional body fixed known as exercitus.
    • Visigoth army There were two types of cabalry, the ligth one, equiped with javelin, lance, spatha, sax, scramasax and a bow. The heavy one would use almost the same equipment as that used during the roman period in the style of cataphracts and their main weapon was the kontos, a long spear. Both would use harnesses and iron lorica.
    • Founded by the Visigoth tribe, it settled in present day France and the Iberian Peninsula. With its capital in the gallic city of Toulouse, it began in 418 A.D. after the pact or fodeus between the Visigoths and Rome and lsted until 507 A.D. Palace of Toulouse, capital of the Visigoth Kigdom.  
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