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  2. 0 A.D.

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      This is the place to post general stuff concerning the game. Want to express your love for hoplites or find people to play the game with? Want to share your stories about matches you have played or discuss historical connections to the game? These and any other topics which are related to the game, but don't have their own forums belong in this forum.

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    • The walls have to be completely built in order to delete the trees.
    • When do trees get deleted? Does it apply to Roman siege walls? If immediately and yes, then it could easily be abused to eliminate enemy's wood supply. Could also be a concern for Athenian Walls in neutral territory.  Will need to watch. Bolts much stronger now than when we discussed for a27. Maybe nerf train time in p2. 
    • Really trusting everyone knew what they were doing when the decision to go this route was made. Seems twice as complex as before, although I've managed to find an okay workflow today. Editing files in the SVN repo for testing, then having to copy them over to my Git fork, then pushing those changes to Gitea is a pain. And like R_T_S, I'm not sure how to keep my fork utd with the 0ad/0ad main. And I've already edited meshes in the Git repo accidentally, thinking I was editing the SVN mesh, and then testing the mesh in Atlas and being confused as to why it's not working as expected, oh yeah, I need to copy the file over from Git to SVN to test it (lolz! mah bad). It's alright, I think I'll eventually be able to keep it all straight, especially with Stan's help.  
    • Just tried using a VPN to route myself thru somewhere else, that didn't work.  Tried enabling "Full Cone NAT" on my router, that didn't work.  Still the guest gets kicked a few minutes after the game starts.
    • I found a workflow that works pretty well for me. I can do a 'git remote update' to get the new changes to the master repository and then make my branches based directly on the remote. 
    • My wife and I tried playing this evening and were never able to get more than 2 or 3 minutes into a game before whoever was the guest would get disconnected.  I tried opening the ports on the firewall and disabling the firewall altogether on both machines.  I tried playing over the LAN and hosting the game thru the "Game Lobby" instead of going direct peer to peer over the LAN (With the STUN option enabled).  I tried both the version that ships from the Debian repo and the AppImage.  I tried disabling WiFi on both machines and tethering our phones to use those instead of our built-in WiFi cards on both machines.  Without fail, within 5 minutes at most whoever was the guest would get disconnected.  If I was hosting, she would get disconnected.  If we switched around and she hosted, I would get disconnected. I understand that the game is alpha and there's gonna be bugs, but I see people playing so I'm assuming that this issue is unique to us or else nobody would be playing online, so I would like to get to the bottom of it. Also, just to verify our router wasn't introducing some latency or that there were issues with our internet, I ran a few speed tests over the WiFi, since we're using WiFi to play, and this is about what my WiFi averaged in terms of speed and latency.
    • Can you see it in the in-game mod downloader? Settings -> Mod Selection -> Download Mods
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