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    • I'm not talking about hardware. Hardware cheats could exist too, like in the video of the lego-mouse. I'm also not talking of lubricated keyboard switches, spring resistance or such. I'm talking about software. If it runs on your mouse it's called firmware. If some software on your OS post processes the key-hold to a key-tap it's also software. You get a advantage here by a piece of software. It's different than a benefit by having a bigger monitor, faster pc or adjusting the cpi value of the mouse. One of this auto clickers is called razor turbo mode. Some games that names the cheating cheating runescape, ea, minecraft The razor users themself in their reddit says its ok (2 users) Not everything need to be explained that it's cheating. If you have a person sitting in the room spectating and telling you game information that's also cheating, although no one specified it somewhere here (afaik). But it might be a idea to create such a site for rules of fair-play.
    • The "little edge" you speak of is not cheating, if it were considered cheating, it would be impossible to catch or regulate. click multipliers and macros are certainly detectable with tools like this one, but not obvious in real time. These should be considered cheating, but there is no practical means to regulate their use.
    • I bring a truth here, I will only be able to be defeated when they create a script that turns off my monitor, and maybe even then I will win 
    • Hi @Kiselena, sorry you feel a bit lost! There is certainly a lot going on. Don't feel like you have to meet the demands of anybody . This is a passion project, so definitely take your time to learn and choose something to work on that interests you! I recommended the market since you were interested in buildings, but we do have a market that will work for the near term.
    • With that and some high-quality match videos or cool graphics, I bet you’d pull in way more followers.
    • Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in my answer. I've tried to get through all demanded queries at this forum and feel a little bit lost. To be honest, I can take whatever task, BUT which is 1) not very hard 2) has clear instructions 3) and which is not a unit (I feel I'm not ready for that yet). Since there is so much information at this forum it is very hard to choose... But I believe maybe the Germanic market (if you will guide me what exactly should be done there) or something simple like a fishing rack might be a best choice for me. You definitely should know better on this matter... For example if it is decided what should be done with market, I will go ahead and create separate topic straight away. @Lion.Kanzencan you please give feedback is my sword is looks more or less fine? I don't have much experience with lowpoly yet and may be I'm missing something important.
    • The quote that appears from the play Trinummus by Plautus in the file https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/text/quotes.txt I am unable to find that quote in an online version of the play here Are we sure this quote is accurate ?  
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