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    • In real life, sling stones fly significantly faster than arrows. Realism is important. Also, past experience has shown that changing units movement speed has massive economic side effects. Thus It is too chaotic to use for balance. A. A small amount of hack added to archer damage. This could represent the ability of arrows to more precisely target and cut into gaps in armor, due to the static release of bows, versus the more chaotic dynamic launching methods of the other projectiles. More experienced or well equipped opponents would be able to cover these vulnerabilities, hence units with hack armor negating the advantage. (Contrast with slings, which defeat armor coverage directly using blunt kinetic impact, modeled by crush.) B. Buffed archer accuracy, and maybe a small nerf to sling and javelin accuracy, so that slings and javelins will have some noticeable damage fall off at their maximum range. This could represent the superior willingness of archers to shoot to kill targets of opportunity, rather than just to suppress. Bows and arrows are expensive weapons systems compared to slings or javelins, thus bows are more likely to be wielded by committed combatants who are highly invested in victory. C. A small amount of extra health, to represent greater willingness to stand and fight, for the same reasons.
    • There is widespread agreement that archers play poorly since the melee rebalance mod. Prior to the melee rebalance, archers were bad unless players sniped with them. The melee rebalance effectively nerfed the extreme combat value of killing ranged units first, and this affected archers disproportionately since sniping was necessary to make them useful. We can always simply add some damage to make the unit on par with slingers and javelins, but there are more creative options that could lead to a better gameplay result. reduce slinger/skirm projetile velocities (this is different to speeding up archer velocities) increase move speed for archers  + whatever people can think of
    • Yeah sorry that's because when running in that mod it doesn't read configs from the old location so it acts like a new install. If you move the folder to another PC though since all the config files are in that folder that will never happen. With regards to the slowdown my guess is that it resetted the graphics options so it might have set the quality too high for your hardware. You can copy the old config from the appdata folder and put it in binaries/logs/ If the savegame took longer to load and you're moving from an ssd in c:/ to a hdd: in d:/ yeah that might explain the loading speed  
    • A good question one should ask is whether all the calls to that function are justified, whether they can be cached or batched.
    • Wow thats huge. I tried replacing the isqrt64() in FixedVector2D.Length() with my isqrtEst64() with P=1 and got teleporting units and a game crash. In theory, the new sqrt with P=1 should be exactly the same as isqrt(), so maybe Ill need to compare the two to figure out what happened above.
    • Thanks Stan, When I started the game there was a dialogue box saying this is a beta version or something I dont remember, but it said do you want to show this message again. Its as if it were a new install. This isnt a problem but the game runs slowly, is this because its running the saved game from the d:drive. Also the saved game took longer than usual to load
    • In a non visual replay iirc isqrt takes about 1% of a match.
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