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Rome at War


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The Greeks were kind of a "well, we have to do two civilzations for this tileset" thing, right?

Exactly :S It was kind of like... well we have another civ to use and they need to look like the Romans. Sorta the crumb of the cookie.

Thanks History guy. Looking at it now... its not as appealing as it was to my eye nearly 4 years ago, but it was pretty good work for our first project.

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Well, many people on the 0 A.D. team are only here because of RaW - including myself. I think I would never have found out about WFG (still WFS back then) if I didn't search for Roman modpacks for AoK (someone told me there were some), and somehow stumbled into the link to the WFG forums on the AoKH Blacksmith page...

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I don't think I had internet when I used AOK. Well, I'm certain we had it, but I was never on the internet.

lol... I remember trying to make scenarios. Was kind of difficult because I had no idea what triggers were or anything.

Definitely need to get AOK re-installed sometime to play that mod.

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Ah. I see. It makes sense. I guess the only advantage of the Meso civs are the historically accurate time periods, but that isn't too important (well, actually I think it is quite important, but I think basically everyone except me cares about the playability and balance - not on the historical accuracy :S ) I must admit I do like Romans far more than American civs.

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But let's don't forget that Australia was discovered by a Dutchman! Abel Tasman, Tasmania is called after him :S But he discovered the wrong side of Australia, he only saw desert and wasn't interested and later Cook, if I'm right, found the 'good' side of Australia and it became English ... So Cent you could have talked Dutch now :S

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Actually, you guys should check out Joshua's latest article.  It has something about this (unproven but interesting). 


Fourth paragraph

Uuuh, interesting - I thought I read that article, but somehow I didn't quite remember the thing about Cartharginians reaching Mexico... although that reminds me of some theory I've read once, which said that a Roman fleet got blown across the Atlantic Ocean one time and in fact reached America - unfortunately, no further colonization followed (I don't remember if they even got back to Europe, but I doubt it). Imagine, legionaries in America :S

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