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Ratings Disputes and Offence Reporting (2021)


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Unfortunately I've got another report to make.

@JackSparrow quit the game as he was losing so he didn't have to lose rating points.

Commands file attached.

Players should get some sort of temporarily status warning others they are quitters, either that or make disconnection for longer than 2 minutes an automatic resign.

Best Regards



Edited by JoelTav
forgot to tag user1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @user

I already post this problem to another topic :


I red today that I have to post here. I'm sorry to have posted in the wrong topic.

So I have 3 times problems with players who didn't resign in rated game 1vs1 :

devilhook vs ninjanad, the 11.04.2021

devilhook vs LordEder, the 09.04.2021

devilhook vs Dreamliner, the 05.04.2021


Thank's to give my points please :-)

Have a nice day


commands.txt commands.txt commands.txt

metadata.json metadata.json metadata.json

Edited by devilhook
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Maximusbullet(1772) quitted a rated 1v1 after being defeated. @user1


 please help getting my points from him, he closed a rated 1v1 after saying gg and getting deafeated even with his own clown settings, please see the replay files. I think they are correct, if not please infor me. my Username ingame is obviously Carthage.


commands.txt metadata.json

Edited by carthage
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So, as colleagues say, unfortunately, these cases of players fleeing the game have been occurring more frequently when they are about to lose.

I will not publish the previous ones because I intend to confront again the players who left their games because I believe that there was some problem - I choose to give them a second chance.

…But well… It is already the 3rd or 4th game with this user that he simply leaves the game when he feels he is going to lose.

I am 0xD3C0.de and the player reported is 1979ad.


metadata.json commands.txt

Edited by 0xD3C0.de
Attachment quota full…
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So, my dear brothers… It is with not only deep sorrow, but also with a certain shame, that I return here crying out for justice in a case that has definitely become too common.

There have been countless games in which I did allow this player to atone for his crimes for abandoning previous games, however he again repeated his dramatic mistake.ls

There were other incidents with the same player, but I will stick to the most recent (and distressing) games, who knows how to awaken in others the competitive and sporting spirit, thus discouraging such cowardly and recurring withdrawals.

The player I am referring to is called TUVIEJACONQUISTADORA, and I believe that the feeling that motivates me not to claim the previous matches is, in part, of gratitude for some lessons taken ... However, at this moment, he does not leave me with another alternative to solve - or minimize - this stalemate.

I provide this complaint to you @user1, and thank you in advance.

I hope to be able to attach the files with the evidence as soon as possible, I have an attachment quota problem.


2021-05-19_0008.tar.gz 2021-05-09_0002.tar.gz

Edited by 0xD3C0.de
Attachment issue https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/40312-attachment-quota-issue/ appears to be solved (:
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  • user1 changed the title to Ratings Disputes and Offence Reporting (2021)
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