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Remedies For Stage Fright?

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I get nervous when I speak in front of a big group. It's not bad, but I just feel a little confused mostly, and sometimes I forget something here or there. It's weird, playing piano in big audiences doesn't bother me hardly at all (unless im trying to break a record for my piano teacher's studio :P), it's just speaking to lots of people.

What do you do ya'll for that?

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If it's in front of a class for an assignment, go up as soon as the other person finishes and stay in front for a couple minutes just sort of taking in the atmosphere and focusing on relaxing before you have to start speaking. That way, when you get up there, it's not like you're all of a sudden in front of all those people. That's what I do usually, but I don't have trouble speaking or playing in front of people since I've been doing it for so long. (which is nice :P)

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I don't have a problem talking to large groups. If you're on an actual stage the lights are right in your face and you usually can't see any of the audience beyond the first row, so just pretend they're not there.

Or if talking in a group in class, pretend they're all your friends or something. You don't have trouble talking to a group of your friends do you?

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The imagining your audience in their underwear really does work...it will bring a smile to your face and loosen you up. That's really the key to all those "do this, do that, imagine this" stuff that people tell you. It's not REALLY to do those things, it's to loosen you up.

I used to do a lot of competition debate and speaking and it's very easy once you get over the fact that no one is going to laugh at you, and if they do, look directly at them and call them out, right in front of everyone with some kind of comment. It will emberass the hell out of them and take all the focus off of you and put it on them. I have had to do it to hecklers during speeches, and it works.

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