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What to do when the gf' parents don't like you ?

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A LOT of gf threads lately.. .:=)

So Timmie (or Timbo, just found out how cool Timmie is), got lucky with the girl that allready had a bf ??

Well, its cool :)

You need to BE YOURSELF, if they dont like you, you still has the gf right ?? What would you do with the parents ? I know, wedding.. :P They like you, just not right now.. :) It will come friend, i promise... !!

Just dont :) in front of them ... :P:yiepie:

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because of her parents ?

@CheeZy: true, most parents feel they "lose" the innocent little girl they had when she starts dating boys :yiepie: they're afraid the guys will corrupt her, hurt her or make her do things she will regret afterward...

I guess it happens with boys as well no ?

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  Black Op said:
My dad often bugs me about girls. I don't talk to him about this subject because frankly, this isn't anything to say (just take a look at my sig and you know why). But he assumes I'm just keeping secrets....... <_<

I know you well enough that you wouldn't take that President position without a strong opinion on these things :D (long live CPS)

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I've gone through a similar thing. I was dating a girl but here parents are Christian and quite fanatic about it. So they didn't really like it that she was dating an atheist. Her mother didn't have too many problems with it though, I'm always friendly and kind so she liked me. Her dad however saw me as an evil atheist (although I never even mentioned it or talking about religion with them). My best friend went to the same Christian community as she, so his parents started to "insult" me too when I started dating her. They said I'm someone who has had tons of gf's already and doesn't care much about it, but actually that wasn't true at all. My best friend was the guy who is/was like that about girls, I've always been very serious about it. So we split up eventually, partly because of her dad and my friend's mother trying to ruin our relationship.

Things like this might be a serious issue, but remember that every situation is different. Just be nice and friendly but also stay yourself. Many parents need to get over this, it's not so easy for them to 'give' their child to a stranger, but they'll get used to it.

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  Black Op said:

My dad often bugs me about girls. I don't talk to him about this subject because frankly, this isn't anything to say (just take a look at my sig and you know why). But he assumes I'm just keeping secrets....... <_<

Lol, like in American Pie ?

  akya said:
I guess it happens with boys as well no ?

Well, no! Girls are like the things that are careful! its like, if a guy goes out, its cool! If a girl goes out, its like" WHO IS HE, and so on ...". Thats what i have the impression of... :D Im tired btw!! :D

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