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reduce power consumption (electricity)

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i'm thinking about reducing the power and saving the CPU.

In the last public online talk with Stan I heard that you can lower the graphics settings more precisely in A25. Very good.

i heard to most costs is :

- path finding

- and the size of the map, size of max Pop.

are the some other attribute we maybe could change?


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8 minutes ago, seeh said:

i heard to most costs is :

- path finding

- and the size of the map, size of max Pop.

That's not entirely true

  1. Rendering
  2. Simulation (e.g. gathering / attacking)
  3. Pathfinder.


Map size and max pop affect 1 2 3 (More units, more things to draw → Rendering, more things to compute for unit activity → Simulation, Bigger maps = longer paths, more complex ones).



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Perhaps we can use Mainland, but completely flat without any change in terrain. 

Also we can use one brown cylinder to represent trees/wood, grey and gold blocks to represent stone, alongside an option to disable ambient animations and animal animations. Maybe such a simple model would reduce the processing necessary? We can even implement Minecraft-like graphics option, perhaps cubes take less processing than rounded shapes. 

I am not joking, this could seriously be an option for big team games. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all :)

Also, having an upper limit for frames per seconds should help about power consumption and heat. options => graphic general => FPS limit in the game.

That's a bit extreme but I double checked in a replay and due to not having a good enough CPU, when the game does many things, I can get down to 4 FPS for extended periods of time. And I'm not feeling it! I can focus on managing an attack and economy. I suppose that depends on the person. So maybe you can try and see if a lower than 30 FPS limit will keep the game enjoyable.

Anyway, great job for the developer that made the controls & stuff not being impacted by the number of FPS of the game.

On 09/05/2021 at 6:22 PM, Yekaterina said:

Perhaps we can use Mainland, but completely flat without any change in terrain.

Does the relief of the map impacts performance?


On 09/05/2021 at 6:22 PM, Yekaterina said:

Also we can use one brown cylinder to represent trees/wood, grey and gold blocks to represent stone, alongside an option to disable ambient animations and animal animations. Maybe such a simple model would reduce the processing necessary? We can even implement Minecraft-like graphics option, perhaps cubes take less processing than rounded shapes. 

I am not joking, this could seriously be an option for big team games.

That could seriously be nice. It could still be visually enjoyable. Like in Minecraft/Minetest, it's the art style that matters the most. And even without yet a well refined art style, the option would be worth it. For big team games and low specs PCs.

It's like if 0ad would more look like a tabletop game which is fine.


On 11/05/2021 at 1:00 AM, healthfreak said:

Have you seen actual results in saving electricity in the mentioned specs?

It depends on the big picture of the house consumption. Check the bill would allow to check if there is something to actually gain by paying attention to the PC consumption. A low gaming time VS the other uses of the PC would make the power usage when gaming irrelevant. As well as having hot water heated with electricity, and electric heaters or air conditioning.

Edited by tuxayo
fix typo
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  • 10 months later...
  • 11 months later...

i measured today energy consumption by using:


replays (and no network)

0ad a26, Monitor: 'Lenovo Q24I-1L', PC: 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

## 27Min replay of a OP 1v1

### normal  (rest config good graphic, also some other mods like autoCiv or so):
0,039 kWh(PC+0ad) - 0,026 kWh(PC) = 0,013 kWh(0ad26)

### with shavedTrees (less graphic but rest config good graphic):
0,038 kWh(PC+0ad) - 0,026 kWh(PC) = 0,012 kWh(0ad26)

0ad a27

### normal  (rest config good graphic, also some other mods like autoCiv or so):
0,037 kWh(PC+0ad) - 0,026 kWh(PC) = 0,011 kWh(0ad27)  :partytime: (and btw. i was looking so terrible much better ! the movements impressive op)


other game, live (with 13 observers, and later 21specs, 37minutes)

### normal  (rest config good graphic, also some other mods like autoCiv or so):
0,080 kWh(PC+0ad) - 0,026 kWh(PC) = 0,054 kWh(0ad26)

80W in first minute

90W on player starts going in p3

95W both in p3

0,99W both pop 300 ( about 10min or longer ~ 99W)

seems that the number of specs dont influence the power consumption

game over not in lobby but still 64W - 70W consumption. for what?

was rebooted PC and restarted router and it needs 60. hmm

and network sometimes has 30 or 117,7 KiB/s . idk for what

0ad closed and still 60-70W

=>later in replay nearly same W consumption. => so the amount of ~21 observers seems not realy count.


OP TeamGame 4v4 (live a26)

Watt max was 107W (popMax in game:200)
Was when all teams at ~200pop About Minute 16


about PC: ChatGPT says: "The normal energy consumption in Watt for a 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 is approximately 95W."

Q: Whats the normal energy consumption in Watt for a 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 that is Internet connected and using kUbunto and do nothing at the moment?

"The normal energy consumption in Watt for a 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 that is Internet connected and using kUbunto and doing nothing at the moment is approximately 65W. Tokens used: 287"



Whats energy consumption of a 0 A. D. game in comparison with a Age of Empires game?

"... 0 A.D. is a more complex game with more features and more advanced graphics ... , it is difficult to compare the energy consumption of a 0 A.D. game with an Age of Empires game, as there are many factors that can affect the energy consumption."



BTW1 this 27Min long: 0,009 kWh(Monitor)

BTW2 A27 was a self compiled version here and A26 a Appimage from https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage
BTW3 0,30 € = 1 kWh at the moment (DE Mai 2023)

(updated: 23-0524_2218-30)

# Router

0,005kWh -  nearly all the time 5W. maybe nearly 6 in a big team-game (not tested).

# Movie from TV-Mediathek

~80W from PC

# one cup coffee!

0,030 kWh for heating only just a bit water for one cup coffee or so (some second idk maybe 5 seconds or so).

# eBike:

~0.6 kWh 3h9min from 16% to 100% (of 625Wh) (A good e-Bike charger has an efficiency of around 95%)

measured with

 Voltcraft Energy Check 3000






Edited by seeh
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  • 1 year later...

Sorry, but I can't help myself.

Does 0ad use too much electricity for you?

But when you're playing and you put a 2000W kettle with water on for tea/coffee, do you measure exactly the capacity of the glass (e.g. 200 ml) or pour about 0.6 to 0.8 liters or more?

Now do the math.

And compare it to 0ad.

Of course, we realize that when you get into the game, the water in the kettle will cool down and that almost one liter will have to be heated again?

Do the math.

Of course, when you get into the game too much, maybe the tea/coffee will spill and stain your clothes?

And then the washing machine.
There's also a 2000W heater and an additional 400W motor!

Think about it.

Don't look for savings where there are none.
Best regards.

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6 minutes ago, zyli said:

Sorry, but I can't help myself.

Does 0ad use too much electricity for you?

But when you're playing and you put a 2000W kettle with water on for tea/coffee, do you measure exactly the capacity of the glass (e.g. 200 ml) or pour about 0.6 to 0.8 liters or more?

Now do the math.

And compare it to 0ad.

Of course, we realize that when you get into the game, the water in the kettle will cool down and that almost one liter will have to be heated again?

Do the math.

Of course, when you get into the game too much, maybe the tea/coffee will spill and stain your clothes?

And then the washing machine.
There's also a 2000W heater and an additional 400W motor!

Think about it.

Don't look for savings where there are none.
Best regards.

Yep. Priorities.

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Hey zyli and @BreakfastBurrito_007 , thanks for the reality check! You're absolutely right, a kettle or a washing machine definitely dwarfs the power draw of gaming. I'm not trying to suggest 0 A.D. is a huge energy hog, haha.

It's something I value about 0 A.D. - it seems less resource-hungry than many other titles. And, it's great to see with the new version that it might be taking even less energy than before. And besides, I'm always curious! So, this is another way for me to enjoy the game and learn from it.

But yeah,  I'll keep an eye on my coffee-making habits in the future though, just in case ;)

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