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local.cfg not loading


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I am using linux,

; Global Configuration Settings
; **************************************************************
; * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE if you want personal customisations: *
; * create a text file called "local.cfg" instead, and copy    *
; * the lines from this file that you want to change.          *
; *                                                            *
; * If a setting is part of a section (for instance [hotkey])  *
; * you need to append the section name at the beginning of    *
; * your custom line (for instance you need to write           *
; * "hotkey.pause = Space" if you want to change the pausing   *
; * hotkey to the spacebar).                                   *
; *                                                            *
; * On Linux, create:                                          *
; *   $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/0ad/config/local.cfg                    *
; *   (Note: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config)           *
; *                                                            *
; * On OS X, create:                                           *
; *   ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/config/local.cfg      *
; *                                                            *
; * On Windows, create:                                        *
; *   %appdata%\0ad\config\local.cfg                           *
; *                                                            *
; **************************************************************

I have created the file in my ~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg

but it's not loading the configuration.

How do I fix it?

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  On 06/12/2019 at 1:27 PM, cassius said:

Got it, but @Stan`  three different .cfg files. e.g. default.cfg local.cfg user.cfg for the same configuration? why?


Well that's a good question. Actually there are four. mod.cfg, user.cfg, local.cfg.

default.cfg is as its name suggest the default config file. (It should contain all the variables so an empty user.cfg works)

The other three well, "it's historical"

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  On 06/12/2019 at 1:56 PM, Angen said:

Lets suppose game is in one machine with multiple user accounts. local.cfg would probably be to set options for all users and user.cfg for every user itself as that would be in user specific path.


well if that is the scenario then where do I put local.cfg in linux environment?

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Then default.cfg (github) may/should reflect the correct path/to/config_files. Atm it still tells us to use %HOME/config/0ad/config/local.cfg


* On Linux, create:
; * $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/0ad/config/local.cfg
; * (Note: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config)

; * On OS X, create:
; * ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/config/local.cfg

; * On Windows, create:
; * %appdata%\0ad\config\local.cfg



Edited by tuk0z
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