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Age of Empires 2 stuff

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  • 9 months later...
On 19/05/2023 at 11:40 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:



A lot of people @#$%ing about the very nice DLC

By the way... It was a mod ( AoE 2 original) converted into a DLC.

But the mod was cooler because have slinger upgrade.


Rome's Returns>>>>Return of Rome.



Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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  • 7 months later...

Haha They are basically taking ideas from modders, working with them and selling their ideas as mods, basically paid mods on testosterone.


I don't want to sound bad, but we already did this, even though we took it from their franchises and adapted it to ours.

They only need a mercenary camp and slave units, Wow is right about they are taking a lot inspiration.

It wouldn't be difficult for them  to release an AoE I with a AoE II DE engine and new mechanics.

The only thing missing was the scout ship.

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2 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Haha They are basically taking ideas from modders, working with them and selling their ideas as mods, basically paid mods on testosterone.


I don't want to sound bad, but we already did this, even though we took it from their franchises and adapted it to ours.

They only need a mercenary camp and slave units, Wow is right about they are taking a lot inspiration.

It wouldn't be difficult for them  to release an AoE I with a AoE II DE engine and new mechanics.

The only thing missing was the scout ship.

I have thought about the others, but with mollusks, especially the one that gives purple and crimson tints.



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4 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

They essentially did that with Return of Rome DLC

This is 2 steps worse I think. :P

The first one we can say is an excuse for the failure of AoE DE.

Now this is offering money to a group of modders and releasing more content.

They already did that, with Forgotten Empires.

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13 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Among the Spartans, the Hippeis composed the royal guard, which numbered 300 young men under thirty years of age. These at first served in the heavy infantry, and later served in the cavalry.

"Among the Spartans, the royal guard of honour, consisting of 300 picked young men under the age of thirty, who, although originally mounted, afterwards served as heavy-armed footsoldiers."

- Harry Thurston Peck. Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. New York. Harper and Brothers. 1898.

"My subject is the body of elite Spartan troops who were denominated hippeis ('horsemen'). They numbered 300, and paradoxically, despite their nomenclature, served as infantrymen. Thucydides was sensitive to this irony, speaking of the 'so-called hippeis' (Thuc. 5.72.4). His context is their utilization at Mantineia (418), which demonstrates that they were hoplites, not horsemen. Ephorus, transmitted through Strabo, confirms their status as infantry, contrasting them with their Cretan counterparts. As often with Spartan institutions, much of our unambiguous evidence derives from the classical period, when the hippeis had long existed, and when military exigencies facing Sparta were already forcing significant adaptations."

- Figueira, T. (2006) The Spartan Hippeis; in Hodkinson, S., & Powell, A. (2006). Sparta and war. Classical Press of Wales.

Also mentioned here:


Edited by Genava55
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8 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

This included 200 mounted bowmen (hippotoxōtæ) and 1,000 Athenian citizens. 

Sounds interesting. Is there any way we can get more extra units?

We have the Prodromoi (represented by "Cavalry Javelineer (Prodromos)") which are essentially the successors of the hippotoxotai. And also the 1,000 Athenian citizens mentioned by the article - see the unit "Greek Cavalry (Hippeus)".

I wrote encyclopedia articles about both of them.

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5 hours ago, Vantha said:

We have the Prodromoi (represented by "Cavalry Javelineer (Prodromos)") which are essentially the successors of the hippotoxotai. And also the 1,000 Athenian citizens mentioned by the article - see the unit "Greek Cavalry (Hippeus)".

I wrote encyclopedia articles about both of them.

I know we have ranged cavalry for that faction. My doubt is more about having some way to develop alternative units.

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