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Gate Door Animation Help

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I've read through the guides for animation importing from blender to 0ad, but im running into some difficulty. It could just be my lack of understanding of how importing animations into 0ad works, but im willing to learn and bring on the headaches. If anyone has any important tips on how this works that would be amazing. I've gone through this tutorial ( https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial ) and its been very useful, but if you have any more guides I might have missed, please share.

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I wrote a Python3 script that auto creates skeletons files from dae if that's useful. I believe the animation guide you read is the most advanced so far. Feel free to give us suggestions.

Getting animation into the game is a tricky process so you might be a little overwhelmed at first.

Use variant XML files to avoid repetitions in your own files.

And feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

A few notes.

Importing Collada animation made by anything else than blender might go wrong. Bones will be deformed at re-export etc... Better use the source files when available.

If you still want to go through that process any breakthrough is welcome. I've been trying for weeks to get the deer into blender with all it's anims. The running animation is broken everywhere but in the game.


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  On 14/11/2018 at 4:22 PM, Bigtiger said:

I've read through the guides for animation importing from blender to 0ad, but im running into some difficulty. It could just be my lack of understanding of how importing animations into 0ad works, but im willing to learn and bring on the headaches. If anyone has any important tips on how this works that would be amazing. I've gone through this tutorial ( https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial ) and its been very useful, but if you have any more guides I might have missed, please share.


Hi @Bigtiger welcome to the forum, i've been through the same problems importing door animations. I had to make my own armatures (exactly the same as any other door, so you don't mess with other armatures) and animate them, sometimes animations in 0 ad are exported incorrectly most likely very old meshes, and when you bring them to blender sometimes they change they position, rotation or scale. 

In this case you could take any door from the mod Millenium A.D. wich are the most recently door armatures done by me itself, so you can guide yourself through the making of an identical copy of the armature so you won't have another headache.

Armatures after being exported they won't accept any modification you made, so the armature will have to remain untouched, But you can alter the mesh.


  • Always save the blend original file when making new armatures or animations.
  • Save every animation as actions.
  • for repeating animation always make a loop of the first and last frame.

if you can guive me references i can help you with your problem.

Happy modding!

And of course last but more important thing i forgot to mention: Never make an armature with the same name of other already ingame or they will make you have faces flying everywhere.

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Thank you for your replies. I'll defiantly use your skeleton maker, as that is more then likely what im missing. 

Currently im using my own armatures and mesh, so there hopefully shouldn't be any conflicts with 0ad's.  I have also downloaded Millenium Ad and now going through how you did it as well.

I'll let you know when I figure this out. Animations aren't my best of talents, so wish me luck!


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Well basically 

A open destination folder

A list of files to add ( they will be copied to the correct folder) a generate button. I don't think there is much more than this :) could probably add and remove files but meh.

Could also be a bash script you double click on that does the job... But I don't see the point :)

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