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Scenario Making


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I have use those to satisfactory effect in my new scenario. What you do is mix and match small patches of terrain texture, not use broad swaths like I did in that example. I was merely showing you different textures that could be used to create the effect you were looking for. Besides, I hardly see any "muddy" terrain testures in the AOK editor. :lol:

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I primarily design with Empires and Empire Earth editor; I have never really made anything of significance with the AoK editor. The Empire Earth editor thanks to its colour overlay system has an almost infinite amount of terrains to choose from. Personally, I find the Empires editor to be slight lacking in regards to terrains, but it has enough realistic terrains to get the job done.

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I disagree. When you are tired of playing an awsome game mods are making it fun again. Also most mods have easy uinstall and install systems so they dont affect the original game.

Mods do add another dimension to the game and they do help increase the longevity of the game, I do not debate that, but from a scenario design perspective they should never be used to correct a problem or a deficiency in the game. If a scenario comes with a mod the average user will not install it, even if it is easy install and harmless to the game. If the mod is critical to the scenario then the average user will not play the scenario or they will play the scenario without the mod and a large aspect of the scenario will be lost, or the scenario will look foolish.

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I have NEVER EVER done that stuff. And i wont say you are wrong, but i disagree. I think most people wants to have new stuff on their payed game, for free, and many use mods. The most played game ever is a mod.. wierd??

Anyway, about scenarios ... you may be right, im not experienced with RTS mods, but i think that if you have a easy install, were the mod is only a folder which only affects that folder, so you can just delete that folder when you dont want the mod, then people dont care. They like it. I do at least :lol:

Though mods that change many key files to a game (Praetorians modding IE) is not used much, because they change the game forever. (If you dont want to reinstall the game of course). But 0ad mods will be easy to install and Uinstall as far as i know, so i think mods will be huge in that game ;)

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I repeat, regardless of the ease of installation or the safety of the modification a significantly large proportion of users will not install the modification.

Using mods to fix game deficiencies in scenarios really becomes a problem when mods change the version of the game, as they do with multiple RTS games. I know this isn't a problem with AoM (to some degree), but it is a huge problem with a number of RTS titles.

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On that i agree, at some point. Since changing files makes it impossible for people to play on Internet.

Though few games is like this. i only know Praetorians, and maybe Empires dotmw? But no one mods this ...

And well ... 0ad will make it so you dont have to delete or change any of the original files so .... there are no problem!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Maybe the topic of the original game is a bit out of your range, but you are forgetting the game with, perhaps, the most scenarios widely dispersed for it: Starcraft. Sure, it has no historical backround or anything...but the adaptability of the editor to make huge, and entertaining, RPGs that last for hours, or bloodbaths that last ten minutes is mostly unparalleled.

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