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Size of mods


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I downloaded a few mods for A26 and played them, but now my / is completely full (the mods apparently take 3,3 Go).

I want to remove the more heavy-weight of them but I can't find a way to know which ones are taking the more space ?


Also, if I deactivate them (the only option offered by the OAD GUI at least as far as I can see it) will it remove them from the disk ?

If not, how to free space on disk ?

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2 hours ago, LienRag said:

Also, if I deactivate them (the only option offered by the OAD GUI at least as far as I can see it) will it remove them from the disk ?

I think not; deactivating and deleting are different things.


11 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Are you using Windows?

Are you?

Anyway, you can browse your filesystem and navigate to the mods folder. There you should be able to see the properties of each mod folder (right click) and delete them. Personally, I use a file manager (Total Commander):


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2 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Are you using Windows?

Of course not !

Debian Stable + Mate.


2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

I think not; deactivating and deleting are different things.


That sounds quite logical.

So, how to delete them ?



2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

Anyway, you can browse your filesystem and navigate to the mods folder. There you should be able to see the properties of each mod folder (right click) and delete them.

Actually, no.

There's only two Mod folders in /usr/share/games/0ad/mods/ , "public" and "mod".

"Public" holds mod.json and public.zip, which weights 3,3 Gb, but I have no idea to which mods that corresponds.

"mod" holds mod.zip for 35 Mb.


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I suggest to use a disk usage analyzer tool, a graphical one available on basically all distributions would be baobab, there are plenty others which you should be able to find with a web search or maybe your package manager.

Also on a simple setup anything outside of /home is likely base system or installed via package manager.

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On 03/11/2024 at 6:46 AM, hyperion said:

I suggest to use a disk usage analyzer tool, a graphical one available on basically all distributions would be baobab, there are plenty others which you should be able to find with a web search or maybe your package manager.


That is exactly how I found that /usr/share/games/0ad/mods/public was taking 3,3 Gb...

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