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autocivP Add-ons (profiles, team audio call, chat translation, icons, more ...)


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Copy all chat messages was sent to you,

released this 14 Aug 18:08

update legend text
update mod.json "ignoreInCompatibilityChecks": false
add functions Copy all chat messages was sent to you

  1. v1.0.41

add functions Copy only N messages from your chat

  • add functions Copy only N messages from your chat copy by using msgN
  • fix autoAssign civ by add return
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two versions.

the version

this release offers two versions:


dont changing the username.
All games, including those hosted by you, will now be saved as replays, again.

Added an option to automatically update ratedDefault in the game name.

If isRated and proGUI are used and no special icon is selected, a message will be posted at the start of the game to indicate their usage.

Increased the maximum length for in-game chat recovery to 80 characters.

Introduced an option to automatically send a hello message during game setup. This feature can be enabled or disabled as per preference.

Displayed the used mods when they are important and not visible in the username for other players in a rated game.

Implemented a watcher to prevent endless reloads and improved flexibility in checking mod folder names.

Updated modBuildScript.sh to use a special temporary folder for each version and i-com-check setting.

Added keywords to icon.json.

Fixed the auto-assign civ function by adding a return statement.

Introduced the Copy function to selectively copy a specific number of messages from your chat history using msgN.

Updated the legend text.

Improved the Copy all chat messages sent to you function.

These updates aim to enhance the overall user experience and address various issues. We hope you enjoy this release!

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some little changes or updates like ;) the following:

some quick fixes late in the night :D
replace get chat by type tab in empty chat with msgall command
fixed and improved userping. no change for players who are used to pinging
update: improved cursor position
update player count trick to force update always to other players during setup
add trick workaround to make always updates during setup visible to other players. because it was not always before visible without using a short mouse click at radio buttons or so
update modBuildScript.sh
add option to autoUpdate ratedDefault in gameName
if isRated and proGUI used and not special icon used post message that it's used at gameStart
fix typo
set max length in-game for 80 for chat recover
fix some typos
update mods used message
add option to auto say hello in game setup
update mods used message
update modBuildScript.sh
update used mods when important and not visible in username for other players
show used mods when important and not visible in username for other players
update watcher for replays to be more flexible
fix watcher of reloads
add watcher of reloads and prevent endless reloads
check mod-folder names more flexible
update modBuildScript.sh use special temp-folder for each version and i-com-check-setting
add keywords to icon.json
update version nr
remove comment
fix autoAssign civ by adding return
add function to copy only N messages from your chat copy by using msgN
update legend text

to copy only N messages from your chat copy by using msgN
update legend text



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"little updates" and "little fixes"

@sl5netsl5net released this 18 Aug 12:27


update different hello when many players already in
use different hello when many players already in
versionNr to ...P when use: modsImCurrentlyUsing+Ta
update doRatedDefaultAutoupdate
to much smilies
set maxJoinLeaveMessagesInLobby a option in options with default 30
update suggestion on game login
don't allow mote yourself. could be confusing
add experimental flag
add g_selfNick as default to search chat if tab pressed in search state


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option menu for different local rating formats + ...

released this 21 Aug 14:11
thank you very much for help here @leitoso
  • Add an option menu for different local rating formats in the userName
  • Change the welcome messageBox text
  • Reduce message effects to only show one
  • Add optional local rating to the userName when in the inGame state
  • Add a debug option and fix two typos
  • Explain what's AlliedView
  • Fix ratingDefault not being automatically set correctly (set a bit too early)
  • Use the ♤ symbol for proGui as the icon, as starGUI uses a star
  • Update the search chat with "s" for regex search (its like normal search but with more features)


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the idea:

1. using different graphics settings for YouTube production and large team games

2. toggle quick between  Pretty and Lower Graphics settings with the command:


Higher Graphics:

e.g. When creating content for YouTube, using higher graphics settings can enhance the visual appeal of the game.

Lower Graphics for Large Team Games:

In large team games, such as multiplayer games with many players, using lower graphics settings can help reduce delays or lag. By reducing the graphics quality, the game can run more smoothly.

prettyToggle - Lower Graphics <-> Gigher Lower Graphics Latest
add prettyToggle command to toggle quick between Pretty and Lower Graphics settings

add hint when is enabled to use localRaing mod but mod is not enabled
dont ask for restore profiles when proGUI is added or removed from mods
dont ask for restore profiles when feldmap is added or removed from mods
fix pRestoreLastProfile was not showed when mod have changed
set for intuitive hotkeys hotkey.console.toggle to nothing
fix if proGUI is not used shows a null string
rename in options loclalRating names
change the welcome messageBox text
option menu for different localrating format in userName
remove a pipe from userName, when its still good to read, because name is sometimes a bit long
remove matches count from username optional

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Hi all, 
Hi @seeh,
autocivP mod has helped me a lot to improve my hotkey usage (for Unit/Building selection, Formations etc.), and therefore to strengthen my game. It also brings some cool commands e.g. to handle the lobby and game settings smoothly. For me the autocivP is a great experience and I can recommend it especially to players who are working to improve their hotkey selection and trying to get to the next level. Definetely a good choice on the path from nub to OP player...
thank you @seeh

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v1.0.48 little fixes better readme





update README.md add a comparion to two hokey setups
fix typo, use showLocalRatingsDropdown != false
add Minister to hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege|(Minister): Alt+V,
set var playerIsGreeted to var to get global . its a 0ad special rule
update hotkey description
update hotkeys add Crossbowman to the archer list Alt+A
add updateJSLineNumbersWithBash.sh
fix g_PlayerAssignments[msg.guid] is undefined

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fix some typos


update recognize ping username
fix text was stored two times. is usually send two times. but should not stored two times
fix some typos

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restart automatically + small improvements everywhere

  • add feature 0ad restart automatically when mods changing
  • remove tips for start in infinite loop
  • add 0ad_TTS_userCfg.py experimental
  • add branch voice-language-alignment-of-ai. Ensure that the voice language of an AI aligns with the language of the message it is posting. Currently, the AIs voice language is fixed to English, but it should be adjusted dynamically to match the language preference of the user.
  • add experimental feature audio talking AI. Example: https://youtu.be/Uj0uMxQgyZ0
  • add options to setup servers for game, jitsi, translator servers
  • suppress error playerIndex + 1 is undefined when use it in this trick for milliseconds only
  • limit the functionality for translation languages when you in the lobby
  • add option to translate from to any lang you want by using gogle tranlator. add option to open jitsi talk fast
  • add drop-down Jitsi Server List to options
  • update README.md add a comparison to two hokey setups
  • fix typo, use showLocalRatingsDropdown != false
  • update README.md add a comparison to two hokey setups
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  • seeh changed the title to autocivP Add-ons (profiles, team audio call, chat translation, icons, more ...)

v1.0.53 update translation API


remove URLs before send text to translation API
explain whatsProGUI maybe is, explain whatsBatchTRaining maybe is
update modProfile_alwaysIn
set modToggle Commands more aggressive
add mainlandTwilightToggle

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why not try to let run some security tool's at this mod?

first of all mod.io itself seems have very good security scans.

for you it should look like so:


as modder looks like so, here you see a scan is running at the moment:



of course there are other services that can scan online source.

e.g. check viruses with virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fb6659bb29431c709f0ef3e72363d66bbf6f971320abcbcb60b50a21fb78109e/detection

or maybe better snyk ( i guess this is more solid check then for virus only )



github itself also checks for risks:





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  • 1 year later...

following is without any config - menus. a quick temporarily solution that works with the new a27 version.
is you want config the mod switch to a26



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6 minutes ago, Atrik said:

Hi @seeh, maybe one reason the options don't work in autocivP is that they are still located in autociv_data? In a27, mods are restricted to read other folders then the games one OR moddata. Something like that.

no the countdown_messag is in modata

ah the options. yes

i have deleted the options for a27

want wait first for your proGUI mod and then see how you do it

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i have two new commands 

1. prettyEnable:

What it does: This command tells the game to enable the "pretty" graphics settings. It turns on features like higher texture quality, shadows, antialiasing, and other visual enhancements.

When to use it: Use this if you want the game to look its best, and your computer can handle the extra processing power needed for the advanced graphics. It's great for replays, smaller games, or when you just want to enjoy the visual beauty of 0 A.D.

Example: Just type /prettyEnable (or even just prettyEn) in the chat window and press Tab to autocomplete press tab

2. prettyDisable:

What it does: This command tells the game to disable the "pretty" graphics settings. It turns off features like shadows, reduces texture quality, and disables antialiasing to improve the game's performance.

When to use it: Use this if you're experiencing lag or slowdown, especially in large team games or late-game scenarios when there are lots of units on the screen. Disabling the "pretty" graphics can significantly improve the game's speed and smoothness, giving you a better strategic experience.

Example: Just type prettyDisable (or even just prettyDis) in the chat window and press Tab to autocomplete, then press tab.

Important Notes:

These commands adjust settings in the user.cfg file.

You can toggle it, type it more often and dont give problems.

Use Tab to autocomplete the commands

planned feature: automatically call prettyDisable at the End of Big 8 Player Games

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