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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. kittenstory.gif


    It was a warm sunny afternoon and Smiley Bear had arranged to meet his friends Daisy, Tom and Pippa at the park. He’d decided it would be a nice idea to surprise them with a picnic and so busied himself making plenty of tuna sandwiches. He packed them into a small hamper along with 4 shiny red apples, and a bottle of nice cool lemonade.:D


    As Smiley Bear entered through the large park gates he was pleased to see his friends had already arrived. He called out keen to show them what he’d brought but to his surprise they took no notice.:D They were gathered curiously around the base of a large tree and all staring upwards. As smiley Bear reached them they greeted him excitedly "look "said Tom pointing to a large branch overhead, "we think he’s stuck:ohmy:" said Pippa, and as Smiley Bear looked up inquisitively he saw a small ginger kitten perched on a branch.


    "I think he needs our help:emot-woot:" said Smiley Bear.. and as the friends gazed up at the little kitten.. Daisy had an idea." Maybe he could use my new red balloon to float down":D she said hopefully. The friends decided it was worth a try but as Daisy let go of the string and the balloon floated skywards it snagged on a branch and became tangled in the tree. "oh no :) " said Daisy tearfully , " now there are two things stuck in the tree".

    "Perhaps if we all just called it down" suggested Pippa, "but we don’t know its name ;) " said Tom. "Ginger’s a good name " said Smiley Bear, everyone agreed that Ginger was indeed a good name for a small ginger kitten and so they all used that.


    "Ginger" they all chorused :omg: "Ginger" they called again , but the kitten simply looked at them. ;) Next Tom had an idea.. "I’m a really good climber " he said "I could climb up and carry the kitten down". The friends watched anxiously as Tom began to climb the tree, he did make it quite far up but as he reached for the kitten it backed away nervously and Tom was afraid it might fall. "I don’t think it wants to be carried" he said making his way carefully back down, :ohmy:


    "I did manage to rescue your balloon though Daisy" he said as he handed it to her with a smile :) . Smiley Bears tummy began to rumble and he suddenly remembered the picnic he’d brought, "maybe the kittens hungry ;) " he suggested


    "it has been up there quite a while". Smiley Bear opened the hamper and pulled out a slightly bent tuna sandwich, he held it out for Ginger and without so much as a flick of its tail the kitten made its way stealthily down the branch and jumped hungrily into Smiley Bears lap. :D



    "Well done !" said everyone cheerily as they gathered around to stroke the kitten. Smiley Bear grinned :one samuria: , and once Tom had laid out the tartan blanket the friends huddled together to enjoy their picnic. The kitten purred lazily from Smiley Bears lap and gave a big stretch..


    this was way comfier than a tree branch it thought sleepily.

  2. Seems many people with high-end hardware have this stuttering

    Which is why you shouldn't care about it :S It's just from the engine loading more game assets and audio or buffering them from the harddrive which causes it. Everyone guts it unless you have a 15,000RPM harddrive and 1.5GB ram.

    For me, it only stutters durring some of the dialogue scenes and every now and then (every couple of minutes?) durring normal gameplay, which is just the game freezing for a fraction of a second while stuff gets loaded.

  3. I'll point out that in the Scenario Editor, there won't be anything stopping you from doing a little designing/editing to make some female warriors or warrior dudettes of your own for a scenario or campaign. :cool:

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