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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. Ouch, that is indeed a nasty dilemma. Unfortunately I can't really help, I have no idea how to bypass account passwords or anything like that because I myself never put passwords on things like that.

    In the worst case scenario you could wipe the harddrive and reinstall windows, but that'd be pretty extreme.

  2. We're aware of all those sollutions and more, reebash. Just waiting for some availible time to impliment them :) The game will look better and better as we work on it as we have more resources and power to distribute. We're even going back and redoing some art because it is too old looking compared to our newer art.

    Making "gunk" on the bottom of building textures where they meet land is not easy considering the hundreds of types of the terrain a building could be found under. We could easily add dirt to the bottom, but then that would look weird when the building is on grass. We can add moss to the bottom but that would look weird when the building is on dirt.

    What we try to do is work with the colors and contrast on the bottom of the building combined with our propping system to add flora and other natural (and unnatural) objects arround the building to make it better integrate with the environment. Also, buildings will have footprint textures that go underneith them them to make the terrain arround the building blend with the terrain under it. This sytem however has not been completely planned out yet and we are going to worry about it later on in development after we get the more important things (gameplay) done first.

    Whats wrong with this screenshot (it IS an old shot compared to where we are now) is that the shadows are set at noontime. Not a good choice for the designer who made the shot because it makes the buildings look like they are "floating" on the terrain and not attatched at all. Shadows help immensly to sell the look of the 3d world, see our more recent screenshots.

    We appreciate the comments :) May I ask what kind of developer you are yourself?

  3. @Lord - I can't exactly say...

    To some extent it works like that (or we'd like it to be like that), like you can replace a file in the file system and when you go back to the editor the new files will immediatly take effect. However this is very complicated and we're unsure if we'll be able to support the feature through final release. Its definately something we want to do though to make the game more modder (and developer) friendly.

    @Caesar: Accourding to our Design Document, different terrains will provide different speed properties for units. We can make it so that units travel faster on roads or something along those lines, however details like that are left for testing. It may be possible that you can "build" roads in the editor for use in the campaign however I can't yet say whether that will have any impact on gameplay.

  4. 1. There is no way we can tell until the game is finished :) but it likely won't surpass 1 GB

    2. Again, no way to tell until we're finished, but a midrange computer right now should be able to play the game fine. A 64MB graphics card will likely be minimum, but a 32MB one might be able to handle it as well. Again, this is only speculation.

    3. Yup

    4. Probably not, but you can impliment that yourself by modding the game (which will be very modder friendly)

    5. Details like that we have yet to discover through playtesting, we're not quite at that stage yet.

  5. The idea behind random shields (and in some cases weapons) is that each militant in your army brings his own family shield with him to battle. Once again, we haven't finalized the details on exactly how the many many different shield textures we have will work since we're not at that stage in the game where we work in minute details like these, theres much more important work to do.

    Another option is to have all player shields be the same color but have different designs on them, that would work as well - however another thing we want to do is use as little player color for units as possible so that all art in the game maintains its historical acuracy and isn't dabled in Blue or Red or Green like in other RTS games.

  6. We haven't finalized exactly how to organize units with their shields like that, but my idea is that all units in an army (ctrl+f1 to make your group), will all get the same sheild so that you can identify them that way just by looking at their sheilds.

  7. Check out this hilarious list,


    I'll post a few to get you interested.

    My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.

    My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through.

    My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of my dungeon.

    Shooting is not too good for my enemies.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

    I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.

    When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No."

  8. I thought I could really make 3D models  (which I obviously couldn't, but Wijit turned me down very nicely  )

    Theres nothing stopping you from working on that ;)

    About a year and a half ago I too wanted in on this amazing project but I didn't really have any immediate skills that could be applied to the game. I was lucky and got in under the premise of "scenario design" or something like that :P but what I really was interesting was was 3d art. I knew next to nothing about it when I first joined, but I practiced for many months and made alot of garbage when things finally started, literally, taking shape. Whats more is I'm still learning every day I work on this project even though some people mistake me for proffesional (Look at the trees, a majority of the flora, all the terrains and the romans in 0AD [plus more comming soon :P] ) The real proffesional though is Wijitmaker, I can only follow in his footsteps... ;)

    Find an inspiration and work towards it, before you know it you'll be doing things that not long ago you thought were impossible. My inspiration is the many talents and hardwork put forth by every member of the WFG Team, particularly Ken's, Stuart's and Jason's. The knowledge that there is someone out there working just as hard as me if not much harder striving for the same goal is what keeps me going.

    (By the way... is anyone interested in rants/stories like these? We could do some dev articles for the site - we've been searching arround for good subjects...grrr :P )

    and I want to thank all the guardians too, for their great contribution to this nice little and neat community!

    Indeed it is, everyone here should be proud to be part of this unique corner of the internet. Most of us comming from a common background at HG - this trully fits the terminology "Gamers making Games for Gamers". Its a unique thing, the development of this game being so integrated with the community. We have alot of fun with our liberty to be able to interact with our fans. Its just the right ammount for us to be able to pay attention and interact with each of you individually. Unfortunately as we aproach the release of the game I'm sure we're going to get alot of popularity and alot more forumers, great though that may be you'll probably see less of us on the forums since there won't be enough time for us to interact with all of them.

    Don't think your time here (so early in the development of the game) is wasted. When time comes for beta (Maybe even alpha), the oldest and loyal members of the community will be the first to get to play the game, as its their input that will be most valued.

    So enjoy the "nice little neat community" we have while it lasts, if you're still sticking arround 2 years from now you will have earned much respect and awe from everyone else having been in this community since the roots of this project ;) Its something to look forward to.

  9. Does that mean it won't be from different texture files but different hues generated by code? 

    No, though that would be cool :)

    I mean there needs to be code that randomly picks a texture for a unit and will also update that texture to show damage or seasonal changes or whatever other things we might throw in.

  10. You want us to spend $30,000 just so we can look gimicky and be called a clone of AoE3 by doning the Havok Physics engine? :) And hand-coding our own physics is out of the question. You can expect a 2010 release date if we wanted to do that ourselves.

    I don't see the advantage of having physics when it would just be a graphical doodad (I love that word, Jason :P) that won't add anything to gameplay besides anoying things like your unit dieing when a tree randomly falls on it. Sounds cool on paper, doesn't work at all in reality. Physics are not cool in games unless the game is centered around it (Half Life 2), other games like Doom3 and Farcry that use a physics engine have no purpose for them other than graphics (to the point where most people didn't even know Doom3 has physics)

    Sorry for taking such an agressive stance against this, but its all we can do to convince you why physics won't rock the socks off you if you see it in 0AD. We don't have the liberty of buying a $30,000 license on our non-existant budget that is largely composed of donations from our own team (not only do we work for free but we take money out of our own pockets to keep this project together)

    No matter how amazing 0AD is, there is nothing in the game that can surpass the amazing talent and detirmination found in the WildFire Games team. Man oh man am I so proud to be working along such excelent people, albeit the distance barrier between us all. With luck that might someday change :P

  11. So I was wondering if you have any plans to get around this..

    Yes, we do :)

    Like a few texture variations and the like? It is mostly the heads that make them look completly identical.

    Exactly that. The programmers are currently working on our actor randomization code, but when its done it'll allow us to give different features and different shields to the units. Having different faces and hair color for units has been something we've always wanted.

  12. 2) 0 A.D. is a free game, Pyrogenesis engine, however, is not. We have plans for things after 0AD. If you're detirmined to make a serious project out of our engine then we might have licensing options availible for that - it certainly is going to be MUCH cheaper than licensing from proffesionally endorsed companies. But either way, its not me to decide what happens with the engine, plans might change, and for now all we're worrying about is completing it and our game.

  13. Nothing, they just do it differently, and some people like different things :)

    I like how you're just placed in this world and you can see for yourself whats going on based on the actions going on in it. Plus its much easier to do plot twists, like the army attacking you at Black Mesa rather than helping you.

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