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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. Yes, lol that particular grass terrain happens to be the same shade of color as the deciduous tree's leaves. That was uninentional but altogether I don't find it too anoyying. Even better that things have more natural colors, rather than having to exagerate some hues which would give it a sort of cartooney look.

    The trees Brendon, along with everything else are in full 3D B) As of yet we don't have self-shadowing which is what you were describing.

    About the hint of blurryness - good old JPG compression, it seems to take the colorful "bang" out of pixels on the screen which some people might see as blurryness. I think that'll explain it.

    I'm glad everyone liked the shot, indeed it is a beauty.

  2. From a chat with me and Mythos

     Michael [aka Mythos_Ruler] says:
    See the Carths Trade Centre?
    CheeZy says:
    haha, it's called a "Suq"
    Michael [aka Mythos_Ruler] says:
    Yes... SUCK
    CheeZy says:
    Suqs 2 B U, mate!
    CheeZy says:
    I can so see that being said in our game
    Michael [aka Mythos_Ruler] says:
    Sounds like a good taunt
    CheeZy says:
    CheeZy says:
    put it in the thread!
    Michael [aka Mythos_Ruler] says:

    That's right, the Carthaginian Suq is pronounced the same way as Suck. But maybe it might not be so funny to you right now since you're not familiar with the Suq building yet :saruman:

  3. What I suppose isn't immediatly apparent from the screenshot is that those buildings are placed far away at the bottom of a hill - the hill being where the skirmish is taking place (check the other shot that shows you how big this hill is) - so the buildings might apear to be small to you, but are bigger than they seem.

    However...the Unit to Building Scale is not 1 to 1 in 0 A.D. though it is more acurrate than most games.

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