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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. Time "matters" for everything, because time defines an objects position with regards to everything else... regardless if the object is conscious or not.

    No, only now matters to an object. Past and future (and thus "time" in its linear sense) doesn't really effect it, it exists only in the present. But the present is linked to past and future so thats how it all works out. We're really thinking of the same thing just that I have a much different way of looking at it :rock:

  2. Its surprising how many of these suggestions we've already thought about and have documented :rock: I'm not going to say which specific ones we're doing since alot of them are highly expiramental and already our editor is planned to be much more advanced than any other... Keep the suggestions comming! They help get the creative juices running, for example:

    I would like to see a few preset trigger systems so that it is easier to learn how the game manages triggers.

    That gave me an idea about including in-game tutorials to teach you the basics of scenario design in the editor...

  3. My explanation of time is very simple - there is no such thing, we only percieve it as so. There is only Now, thats where we are and where we always will be, along with everything else.

    But what is now - I have a very simple explanation for it - now is the point at which the future becomes the past. Yes a point - because we don't exist in the future do we, nor the past. We only find ourself in the Now.

    Technically, the past and the future don't exist, the past is a concept we have thanks to our ability to remember, and the future is a concept we have thanks to our ability to be conscious and observe pattern. Otherwise there is only now.

    Like you said, you could think of this Now as a slice in time, like a movie frame - but that would be wrong. Even that slice has a beginning and end if you were to measure it. Just forget measuring, its infinite. How does that even work? Let me take you to another realm that parralels with this.

    Think of a 0d object - which is a point. Simply a point, nothing else. Now how do you get that point to become 1D? A 1D object is a line, correct. What is a line - if you observe it a line is basically an infinite amount of points. You can't go and cut a line into segments (frames) because then it wouldn't be a line, it would be a bunch of points. So if a line is an infinite amount of points, then if you use that logic you can jump to 2D and figure out what that is - take a square. Is it made of infinite lines? You betcha. Don't think of the perimeter of the square (which is 4 edges), think of all the stuff inbetween - the area. In order for that area to become a surface and be what it is you need to have infinite lines between them to make that surface. If you get this logic you can keep following the dimensional rules up to 4d, 5d, to as much as you want. Read this if you want to understand that http://users.adelphia.net/~eswab/measpoly.htm. Also, here is a 2d model representation of what 15 dimensional cube looks like. It takes 14 previous systems of infinity in order to get a 15D object.

    Now time also acts like movie film. Every moment is a frame. no matter how small you divide it is always made of frames. well what is inbetween the frames I ask you? whatever it is, how come we arent stuck on that one frame

    for all eternity.

    Is that how it is, or is that how it apears to be. Look at who we are - people and all life for that matter is just a very complex system of energy reactions, reactions that have learned to arange themselves so they can remember things, so they can see things, so they can function the way we know ourself and life to function - but we can only percieve things as fast as our senses can send messages to them. Do you know there is a lag separating us from Now and from what we percieve as Now? Our fastest senses take 1/30th of a second to travel to our brain.

    Anyway, I could talk about this forever, but the point is, there are no frames of time, no slices of them either, you have to realize its infinite and only when you grasp concept of infinity can you understand how a system like that and others work (each higher dimension has its basis on something infinite).

    Anyway, to bluntly put my point of view, energy doesn't make time, rather, time is a property of the 4rth dimension of which we can only experiance in a linear fashion (best way to say it is to connect to your theory abit, we can only experiance one frame at any one given moment [ 2 frames at 2 given moments, etc ] ) And that is what most people's idea of time is, but to me it goes further.

  4. We have about 600 pages of document describing every aspect of units amongst 99.9% of everything else about the game. Needless to say, this is our baby that we've been working on for years, we're not about to make it all availible to public, atleast not now when 1) we still have alot to do and don't want people stealing our ideas, 2) many of the details in the document are highly subject to change when we start testing them out while playtesting, and 3) there is so much technical jargon in there it probably wouldn't be very fun for you fans to read :D

  5. I also wanted to know if there are plans for any special units like standard bearers, bodyguards, shield bearers ect. ?

    The way our propping system works, it would be tremendously easy to swap out a sword with a a flag standard or something similar :D That'll work for any unit that can cary something, which I think is virtually all units.

  6. great that he's innocent - I think it kinda sucked how he got scapegoated so much for being weird and liking kids, the media loves to blow things out of proportion or to twist stories just so they can get attention.

    But really...why does anyone care? I mean - this isn't news, this is gossip.

  7. Later we might also have different clothing - but we'll see how much texture space that all takes up since these variations will also need to have textures that show damage (bloody swords, shields, armor, faces, etc) and we have yet to impliment that or find a way of implimenting it. But fear not, we've got plenty of cool things that we want to try out.

  8. Two armies stand off before a battle. The Hellenes send their warriors to defend their village while the Celtic Aggressors plot.


    This screenshot was assembled by Michael Hafer (aka Mythos_Ruler) and CheeZy (aka Bobby Ognyanov)

  9. Its a possibility - final details like that won't be worked out until we've nearly released the game. If theres splash screens its probably that you can in a .cfg file somewhere specify which screens to load - so you could mod it that way, or you could directly go and just replace the splash images with something else. For now nothing like that is finalized since we have much bigger things to be worrying about - we'll see how anoying splash screens are before deciding to keep them or not :)

  10. There have been discussions about having a trailer play before the game starts (as is customary for every single game right now) and we've thrown around a few ideas (even recently so), however ultimately we'd like to concentrate our team on working on the game right now rather than making a trailer. Its an expensive undertaking to make a trailer, we'd need to devote an entire animation team to create a quality trailer like games have today. Do realize that the game developers usually do not make their trailer, they just storyboard it and send it to an independant animation house to do it all and render it out. We don't have resources like that availible to us and even if we have the talent to do such a trailer we'd rather spend that making the game at this point...

    So as of now, there are no finalized details about a trailer - though its possible we make a "trailer" trailer to advertise the game which would have in-game action cut by maybe some CG tidbits here and there. It all depends on where we are by the time we want to have a trailer or not.

    Another thing is that pre-game trailers are usually watched once or twice and then disregarded by everyone, so its not all that important, plus we're not keen on adding 50MB to the download size for something that people will disregard after a few views. Hopefully having a lush main menu will make up for a lack of a trailer (y)

  11. Actually, 3d realms released some screenshots from what they're working on (whether its Duke Nukem Forever or something else is still in question, they had a different title for their game.) It looks pretty good, they use the Doom3 engine.

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