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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. I also listen to bassdrive and happyhardcore

    Finally a trancer with integrity :) I'm wondering to what length does your love for this lifestyle extend?

    I mainly listen to (in order of favorite to least favorite)

    -Psytrance and Goa Trance

    -Hardcore and its many subdivisions (Happy Hardcore, Freeform, Trancecore, FINRG, some NRG, Trancestep, Makina (<-- my current fav), and a pinch of Gabber if I'm in the mood)

    -Trance - Oakenfold, Digweed, Sasha and the classics. If a tune is longer than 5 minutes and isn't @#$%ty and clubby, I'll love it. I hate how trance is getting so commercialized.

    Drum and Bass - Darkstep, Jungle, Trancestep, anything cool and by dieselboy or technical itch.

    Mostly I listen to the accumulated tracks I have on my drives.

    I've got 67 full Albums , 142 DJ mixes (official and unofficial ones from the net) and then a mass of MP3s I've collected from all sorts of producers, some of which aren't on a label yet (ammature) but probably will be in the future (I've seen some turn pro)

    Check this out, 20GB and 12 days of music - been accumilating for 3 years. :(

  2. As of now, no. Theoretically maybe. We're working on it and seeing how possible it'll be :) Its definately an interesting and promosing idea allowing improvement for both RMS (hard scripted things that would be very hard to do manually) and Scenarios (Randomized things that would be very hard to do manually).

    Whether it will work or not or if we'll have time to do it all, we don't know. For now I can't say that the editor will work like that.

  3. In terms of creativity and design - the 0AD Design Document has been in the works for more than 3 years headed up by the wonderful members of the Game Design department, and with 95% of the 400 page design document complete, there is not much left for brainstorming.

    In terms of concept art - I wouldn't be the right person to talk to, wait for a reply from our concept artists to learn about their situation - however we have an ample body of concept artists already and new talent will not likely be picked up unless its either 1) very good (think color) or 2) very active. Speed is as an important factor as skill here. But basically as Quacker said (but in different words) - most of the conceptual work is behind us.

    However, don't fear. If you are a creative thinker and conduct yourself proffesionally and maturely then there will be room for you as a beta tester or possibly QA tester - especially if you have unique ideas to resolve conflicts or gameplay. But for now we need to finish the game before we can test it.

  4. rather than aom and maybe you could have a random map editor, in addition to a scenario editor

    A concept we're toying with is the idea of being able to export scenarios into scripts, right now its just an idea and we honestly cannot say if our technology will support that or if it'll work.

    or maybe make it so you can randomize terrain

    We would like that too. The plans and designs of the editor have probably a hundred different things that no other game has or has even done. We'll be trying to include as many as we can provided they work out and fit well and that we have time.

  5. The details on that we are not exactly sure on yet and can't say. We would like it for people to be able to have the same power to develop something in the game as we do - but with that power comes potential for cheating.

    IMO the majority of unit editing you'll be doing is by just editing pre-programmed action types in XML(simply because thats faster) - however if you know javascript or C++ it should be possible for you to go and create your own actions for units as well.

  6. Yeah, the weather right now is pretty strange too. From December to January it has been freezing only twice I think, and during february a little bit more. Normally it's quite colder.

    Odd, here in California when its usually hot and dry all year arround, we're getting colder weather. Plus its been raining non-stop (or mostely non-stop) for the past 6 days (and is gonna keep going) - its rained 4 times as much as its rained total for all of last year.

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