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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. From my personal opinion - qualitatively 0 A.D. looks much more pleasant to the eye to me than AoE3 B) Richness in world detail beats fancy shaders for me any day. I'm not worried about how our graphics engine will compare with others. Since when have shaders and reflective helmets made a game more fun to play. Sure its attractive but after 2 weeks of playing you won't care anymore, the game's concept of gameplay is the most important thing.

  2. The zoom wouldn't be dramatic, maybe a 33% increase in view. The ships aren't going to be designed to take up the entire screen.

    If you're battling on shore, then you would simply continue battling, you would just have a slightly larger view due to a number of ships being near the screen as well.

    2 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds, that all counts as " a few seconds" or however long it takes for the effect to be good and not anoying. Eitherway its a concept I said would be worth investigating, what is the point argueing about it now especially since I don't think anyone is quite getting what I'm saying.

    I have to wait for 5 seconds before I can command navy effectively. That is too much

    Why? Gameplay would never stop. Think of cinematics in AoM playing without the letterboxes on, you still see the UI and have full control of everything, think of that but instead of playing a track it simply gradually zooms out. Whats the problem there, it wouldn't be necissary to be zoomed out to control the navy, it just makes it more comfortable.

  3. Movement around shore could be terrible as camera would still zoom in and zoom out.

    Not if it was done very smoothly - the idea I have in mind is very cinematic-like. It would take a few seconds to full zoom out and it wouldn't do it with the same speed and then stop suddenly.

    Additionaly what I have in mind is exactly your example, it only zooms out if you're commanding ships on the shore, or if there is a ship in the view (whichever turns out to work better), but if you go back to clicking units on the battlefield, it'll then do the 5 second fade back to normal view.

  4. In 0 A.D. we hope to scale up the ships significantly, yet not make them so big as to fill up the screen and not be maneuverable on what would essentially become a puddle of water on most maps (instead of an ocean or large river the bodies of water are supposed to represent).

    A very simple sollution to the scale issue is that if you're controlling a ship on the ocean, the camera could slowly zoom out to transition to a bigger view angle for better control, and once you get close to the shore again the camera will slowly zoom down back to normal view. Very simple thing that I'm sure will easily remove the scale issue and allow you to properly control naval battles. in 0AD you aren't the captain controlling the ship (if you were then the clunkyness and scale of the ship and its vissibility limitations would be a factor), instead you're controlling the entire naval force. Its the same logic that if you were the commander of an army in 0AD you wouldn't be stuck with a ground view of the world. (although that would be something interesting to try in a game).

    To clarify on what I said, these are just my opinions and its not necissarily true that 0AD would turn out like this in anyway, I came up with the idea just now - but I'd definately like to see it tried for our ship model. There hasn't been much thought given to that yet since we aren't at that stage in development.

  5. That sounds good, but unfortunately it won't help at all. If you have to be moving the mouse to edit elevation in one spot, then that kind of defeats the way elevation is placed since you usually need to move the mouse around and "paint" it.

    Realize Wize1 that you wouldn't be able to move the mouse to directionally effect the elevation, you would just get a huge block which you could at variable speed control how far up or down it is.

  6. Well to clarify, programming department grabbed like 5 random textures from some other sources to use to just test the graphics engine while the terrain was still under works (those are long gone, that was like 2 years ago - I think thats what you're talking about Michael), otherwise all the terrains are original. I don't know about that road texture since Jason did that one, I would assume its legitimate though, I have empires and I don't strike much similarity between the terrain in that game. Eitherway in the long run that texture and alot of others are "betas" and will likely be swapped out as the quality of art increases before the game is released.

  7. Have you done any low poly work, Rex? Low poly modelling for games is abit of a different world from regular modelling (shouldn't be too hard to get used to). Also how are you with textures? The artists here and indeed everyone else here are multitallented so that they can go about creating something from scratch and putting it in the game (modelling it, texturing it, skinning it, exporting it, creating the actor/entity data for it, etc)

    Regardless of skill level, the most important asset for someone on the team is that they're able to function and lead themselves, they'll be able to work without having to wait for instruction and they can go about doing things without needing much resources from others (besides information).

  8. It should start looking tons more marvelous when the art department finishes having its way with the game :) right now there is so much room for improvement. The terrains you're seeing are almost 2 years old, I'll probably have another go at them before we release, I never finished doing them either way :D

  9. ^ Correct - bittorrent will likely be the main distribution method if we can't get any server mirrors.

    @HistoryGuy, that is something we were considering but it all depends on how many people want CDs and how much resources we have to make those CDs. For now there is no final answer on that until the game is released and we're at that stage.

  10. Or you could just get a $30 MP3 CD player and $30 pair of superior quality sony earbuds, some blank CDs and you now can carry an infinite amount of music with you (700MB of Mp3s is like 8 hours of music) wherever you are, or you could pay ~$250 to get an Ipod or Zen or any other mp3 player and you can do the same thing just that its abit smaller and trendier to have.

  11. Literally everything :) That could make a nice huge article for the site one day...

    But to give you an actualy answer, in my opinion the most challenging thing is simply keeping staff active, which is not up to WFG to do but up to the staff themselves. Between all the things that people have to do in their lives, school, work, other responsibilities etc - WFG falls in as something they can only do when they have spare time, and not everyone always has spare time. That is the biggest thing in the way, simply how much time we have availible to put into the project.

  12. Yup, aware of that :D I'd still say 20-25% tops - assuming the 50% mark is when its initially playable as an alpha, and 85% when its content complete as a beta.

    There is an unsane amount of work involved in making a game - and its so much harder when everyone is spread around the globe with different times of availibilty, as well as the fact that we're not working on this 12 hours a day like professional teams. 0AD the vision has techincally been in the works for almost 5 years since the first idea of it - but its only been in production for the past year and a half or so, and there is alot still to do. Most games that are anounced are usually always anounced when they are at alpha or beta - for example Age of Empires 3 was anounced when it was asset complete (meaning the game is all finished but for testing, balancing and bug fixing) - and they still make you wait a year before you can play it. Our story is quite abit different, and its likely alot of people will become impatient with 0AD's progress because it was anounced so early. The screenshots we have now simply serve as proof of the work we've done in the past year and a half, but I can't say it represents the final game at all.

    The best source to follow progess for 0AD is to check the monthly summaries, they'll tell you exactly what we're doing.

  13. Loosely, that would be possible by editing prop points and actor data in the editor (or externally), but that wouldn't be the same as modelling your own objects from scratch as you were implying.

    However you can model something in 3dsmax, export it and have it in the game within minutes, indeed thats what us artists do here :D

  14. Its not up to us whether staffers dissapear or not :D but its not at all an uncommon thing. In the hustle and bustle of all the work that goes on here its pretty easy not to notice someone gone. It usually starts with them posting less and less until they're gone completely. And its not like that isn't allowed - this is all completely voluntary work and if you want to pick up your bags and go theres nothing stopping you.

    As for Fede, his inactivity is understandable, he was in the history department and their job is for the most part finished (it involved working with the design department in making sure everything about the game is historically acurate) - though they'll be back in activity when we start working on the campaigns. Its possible he's taking a break and will come back when he wants to, but yes it anoys us more than it anoys you forumers when someone dissapears without notice ;)

  15. the printed article did have plenty of screenshots and concept art, but its nothing you can't find here :D

    We're trying to keep new screenshots underwraps for a while until we have more new things to show. We don't want to show more of the same and give a false sense of how far along the game has come. All that screenshots serve right now is to just show you how the game is progressing step by step. There is still alot of work to do.

  16. We actually have no way of knowing what the system requirements or the filesize of the game will be until its finished :rock: any numbers we give until then are just guestimates, and as is the case with guestimates they are often wrong.

    But a good answer is that the download size will hopefully not be "too" big. I personally don't see it exceeding something that can fit on a CD.

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