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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. That is coming from a purely technical point of view.

    You're absolutely right :lol:

    To get deeper into what I mean though, is that you can have 2 images, both are spectacular, The first image looks breathtaking and you don't know how the artist made it, but you might know that the 2nd image was made by using one or 2 simple filter effects in photoshop, or by throwing a bunch of paint on a canvas at a certain angle. You can still appreciate it, however it's glory and integrity is taken away since you know how easily it was made. I'm not saying that simple art is bad (sometimes it's really good, take the very simple use of curves and circles in my image), I'm saying that if you know how much effort went into it, it changes your mind about it.

    @Tim, To feed on what Adam said, heres just a tip one something I've noticed myself unconsciously doing.

    Don't center things :P don't use normal edges, don't use anything standard. Ever heard of the Golden Ratio and why it's so beautiful (The golden ratio can be applied to music too, through use of Chords, that's something that people don't know). If you look at my image, look at the cloudy blue stuff. Compare it to the area with no cloudy blue stuff (which is to the left). I just noticed that the the non-cloudy stuff ratio to the cloudy stuff looks alot like the golden ratio ( non cloudy stuff A = about 5/8ths of the whole)

    I got way too technical there, but if the blue clouds were in the center, it wouldn't look as cool for some reason, that's what I'm saying.

  2. wow you're becoming quite good with Photoshop, Tim :lol:

    What discerns the good from the bad is if someone can tell how you did what you did. If they can't, then you did a good job.

    I haven't had much time to just sit down and make artwork for the fun of it, but heres one of the latest things I've made (it's a few months old) just as something artsy


    It's a logo/banner for my music/artist name - Synogen.

    It's pretty much 100% original :P Those arcs/circles were made in an interesting way, lol, you'd never guess if I don't tell you. I made some lens flares and increased the contrast on them alot, then copied, removed the color and burned into the background image.

    The stuff in the background is some "crumpled" and distorted cloud-like texture, then I used the smudge tool to push out those...things :P well you see them, they're sticking out towards the top. The text was just a font with alot of effects and lighting applied to it, and that's about it.

  3. @Curu: Oh you mean to attatch them as a prop for a building? Nah you can have as many prop points as you want. But the more you have the bigger the load will be in CPU and Ram.

    You can make 1 box, and then just make 3 prop points and attatch that box there and save yourself from having ot make 3 different boxes :)

    We re-use ALOT of material in the game through prop points, it's really great. Another cool thing is that all the art we use to decorate buildings (which are added on through props) will also be placable individually in the editor.

    I think for textures that the best would be to use the same texture for several buildings ... like roofs

    Would it surprise you to know that all the building art for a civilization is contained in 1 to 2 512x512 textures? Prop textures are included in 1-2 256x256 textures, that's where we have things like door and window textures, which are added on through props. Like I said, we re-use alot of material and are very efficient with the resources we have.

    @Argalius: Maximum texture size: It's so big that we don't know what the maximum size is yet. Most of are textures are between 32x32 and 512x512, it would be rare to see a 1024x1024 texture, though you can definatley have one. The biggest textures we've used were 2048x2048 to test some skyboxes, we've had no trouble with that.

  4. You mean like clicking on a building and being able to click the individual units on the building? No, that probably won't happen.

    Filage: We can't say yet however for a few things we use our own original formats, and some of our scripts are converted to binary so that the engine can load/use them faster.

    Any tools you need to decode files will be distributed with the game.

  5. lollerskates2.gif

    I love this video!

    It's an employee work safety instructional video


    It's abit borring in the begining but the action picks up after 1-2 minutes

    P.S. Everyone is dead by the time the movie is over.

    PPS: Chad told me to warn you not to watch the movie if you don't like looking at the secret surprise ingrediant that is used in great abundance in the video.

  6. We'll obviously be trying to avoid that. From the way we do our attatchment points (we call them prop points, and we call attatchments "props"), I don't think we'll get anything weird like that, though we have yet to find out.

    the heka gigantes, you're right, that was a kick-@#$% attack the way it moved the terrain :)

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