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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. Woop Woop! :) That was heart warming, Sunny :D

    Ok, since 3 people have already asked me - Mipmapping is where a texture gradually blurs as the view point zooms out. Otherwise there are too many pixels fighting over a small ammount of space and it starts to look ugly and distorts the texture. Instead, Mipmapping blurs it by scaling down the texture. Also, you if you look down a field you won't be able to see a blade of grass 100 feet away, but you can see a blade of grass thats right infront of you. Mipmapping takes care of that factor too.

    Generally, it means the game is going to look better.

  2. http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_page.php?pic_id=257

    Hurray, I lived up to my promise - you didn't have to wait 2 months for a new screenshot :) This one comes in exactly 3 weeks after the previous shots, again focused on the celtic art in the game. As with the previous screenshot, this screenshot's caption releases more interesting facts on the world of 0AD.

    Since I have nothing else fill up this slot of text, I'll go ahead and quote the screenshot's caption.

    This screenshot features some of the domesticated animals in 0 A.D. Wandering domestic animals may killed for immediate food supply or they may be placed in corrals for long term food supply. When done so, these animals provide a steady stream of reliable food. The more animals you have corralled, the more food you will receive. Corrals in 0 A.D. are a quick way to kick start your economy early in the game. Each civilisation gets a unique bonus for domesticating certain types of animals. For example, the Iberians have a bonus for rabbits and the Carthagians for elephants.

    Nothing more to say, other than incidently this is also the first screenshot with Mipmapping. We've had it for a while, but it's just our nature to not give you any idea of how far in development we are :P. On a further technical note, we've got a new alpha blending system (the method at which one terrain blends to into another) so hats off to Rich for doing that :D

    By the way, This is the first screenshot that I blasted my Anti Aliasing(8x), Anisotropic Filtering (16x) and Quality setting on my graphics card, the results are amazing, very sharp and contrasted. Just the what we're aiming for.

  3. Hehe, we don't haven't finished the game yet we're already planning cheat codes :)

    Nah, most likely you would type "A small jig performed by Jason" and then a funny Gif-like animation would apear on the screen for a while :D ala Tappy, the tap dancing kitty which is my avatar.

    One things for sure, 0AD's cheat codes will have style :P

  4. We've compiled a list of 28 (and counting) wonders of the world that are appropriate to 0 A.D.'s time period. However I am 99% certain that not all of them will make it into the game, atleast in it's initial release, simply due to the sheer volume of work they require.

    Though we've got 1 wonder already finished, and more to come.

  5. Another idea is something very similar to AoE, and that would be unique units, only this time you could have more than one for each faction.

    Each of the 6 civilizations in the game are unique in gameplay and units to eachother. That means we don't re-use units in other civilizations, and the Hellenes spearman (Hoplite) will look and act differently from the Persian spearman (Neyzedar Madi). This is obviously a nightmare for balance :) but thats why people hold things like alpha and beta tests.

  6. AVP sucked, don't see it.

    It fealt like it was 45 minutes. The first 30 minutes of the movie are completely irrelvent and are never brought up in the rest of the movie, then you just watch a crappy underground pyramid for the rest of the movie and the ending makes no sense.

    Perhaps Brian can ellaborate on how much it sucks.

  7. Well it's a good game, but I think we'll only be playing it as long as Far Cry. Doom3'll be the spotlight for a few months or so, and then Half Life 2 will come out and everyone'll be happy.

    Yeah really theres not much you can do in Doom3 besides singleplayer because online theres only a handful of maps which only 4 people can play on (it's ok though, people started modding things so now up to 32 people can play)

    Quake 4'll be much better.

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