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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. @CheeZy/CodeOptimist: "Their roots go deep." Which fire are you closest to CheeZy?
  2. I'll stick by Windows Media Player unto the ending of this world.
  3. How did you lot come up with your usernames? What influenced you in creating them? Let's see how interesting these stories get. As for me, I created my name Black Op 2 years ago. At the time, I was interested with a (dead) Half-Life MOD in which you played as Black Ops, who were enemies in the HL add-on Opposing Force. I was hopeing for a decent BO MOD as I thought they were cool and showing my interest, I used the name Black Op, which I now use on forums. My other and far older username is El Rando, which I use when playing computers games on-line and when playing Real-Life. It was inspired by Bart Simpson's (of The Simpsons) alias, El Barto. So, what are your stories behind your usernames?
  4. Well, the fires are quite a long ways off from where I live (Anaheim) so I don't fear having my house burnt down. Don't know about CheeZy though, hope he dosen't have to evacuate. @CodeOptimist: "We have work to do."
  5. I just happen to live in the general area as well. I thought I was in Mordor yesterday with the smoke and the ash fallout. Well the winds were able to blow most of it away for now.
  6. No problem, I did say city and state wern't needed.
  7. City: Anaheim State: California Country: United States of America
  8. #1: Quality/Helpfulness of Forum Posts/Topics (get tired if forums have same old topics and debates) #2: Friendlyness/Politeness of Community (goes with #1) #3: Same people come back often -> build up serious friendships (why come when you're hated by everyone) #4: The sex appeal of the Community Administrators (HAHA!!!!!) #5: If you can talk about any and everything with the other members (goes along with #3) #6: The size of the community -> the more members the better (not really, seeing that most of them will hardly post let alone be active members) #7: People actually post something and not only 3 words (sometimes, those kinds of posts are fun, look at WA) #8: The number of forum posts/topics (the more, the spammier methinks) :thumbdown:
  9. If you're not faint of heart, post the country (city, state or province not needed) you live in. Why you ask? I think it'll be interesting to see what the WFG community is made up of and see where most people here come from. So go ahead and post.
  10. All hail the mighty Sage of California!! BTW: It feels weird having an orange dress now.
  11. Congrats, it worked........... for me. PS, C&P the link, least you look like a fool.
  12. Besides Heaven Games, are there other websites that serve as big RTS community HQs? What do you think of them in comparison to HG?
  13. Say, isn't there another poll like this out here? I choose shooter.
  14. Perhaps we can have a "Link of the Month", which spotlights a really good historical, gaming, ot Tolkien website. Perhaps that could be added to the crier though.
  15. I've been wondering this for some time. Has WFG ever did anything in the past other than Rome At War or is that the only thing WFG has ever did?
  16. Uhhh, didn't you forget the C51 link carbine?
  17. Ah, a new TLA fan. It'll be fun having you around.
  18. Chinese food, I throw up in the middle of the night everytime I ate it. Last time, I never made it to the bathroom and blocked its entry way. No need to tell the rest.....
  19. Happy 17th Birthday DA!!!! Say, does anyone here know how to make a WFG General-Purpose birthday cake?
  20. Well, the old forums should be happier in Valinor.
  21. Try Googling it. You might find some good links.
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