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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. I think the pic was photoshoped. Well, if 0AD plans on having realistic naval combat (foot soldiers fighting ship-to-ship), then it would be a good size. If naval combat is like in AoK, the ships should be smaller.
  2. May not be as funny as past jokes (it's hard for me to get laughing), but also very truthful Desmond. Gj anyways
  3. Well, its a good thing public schools are changing socially for the better. But I'm still not convinced I would have a better education in the California School System than in the private school I'm in.
  4. @Tripod: I guess Hit and Run. Road Rage was more like Crazy Taxy.
  5. @Desmond: Of course you haven't seen tham at a zoo, they're all dead now until the Great End when Morgoth returns from the Void. Seriously, I would choose a Killer Whale.
  6. Well, I think we should get on-topic and be talking about ZeZar again, not dwelling on the past.
  7. @Bobby: it is? Either I have watched Simpsons too long or have been in the private school system too long (3rd Grade was last grade I had in public school, and socially it was terrible). But still, at least the school enviroment is good at my school, none one seems to take drugs or smoke.
  8. I seemed to have missed the exciting part but I forgive you anyways Matt. In the meantime, I recommend that you change your forum password and log off everytime you get off the computer. This way, we won't get into this situation again, now will we.....
  9. I know you often like making suggestions in the TLA Forum.
  10. @ZeZar: Which Simpsons game? There's several of them that have been made.
  11. My favorite animal has to be a Fire-Drake of Morgoth!!!
  12. I like how I don't have to be teased for something I do at school (I go to private school).
  13. @Tim: yeah, Esus seems to have dissapeared. <_
  14. A Roman smilie!!! We need that for WFG right now! Nice smilies Desmond and Jason.
  15. I also vote for the Simpsons. @ZeZar: I Love Lucy is an American show, so you may not have it in Norway. Quite old too.....
  16. I just happen to be an only child. That means I can be spoiled all I want.
  17. Someone who takes advantage of me for their own ends....... :thumbdown:
  18. Nice work Paul. I would read it more carefully but as you well know, I'm busy fighting a massive war in the Battle Thread
  19. I didn't watch the Super Bowl so can you tell me how the commercials were like?
  20. Google It, you should find some stuff with it.
  21. CP English II: A- CP Geometry: A CP Chemistry: B CP European History: A- CP Spanish I: B+ Intro. To Computers: A- Physical Education: A+ Sem1 GPA: 3.57 Well, my parents seem to be proud so I did well.
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