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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. I suggest for all of you to get Encarta, preferably recent versions of it. It's much easier to find stuff with it than Google. If you want Tim, I can post some quotes from it (of course not all, as I'm still not above the law). If not, then buy Encarta. B-)
  2. By excessive participation in Story and WA threads. That and that you don't post at TLA regularly but I do, always helps by posting in lots of places. B-)
  3. @Feanor: Yeah, I don't like it when 2 or more use the same avatar, it makes it harder for me to I.D. them.
  4. I have to agree with Adam, get a TLA avatar. I suggest the Glodfindel one but any except mine will do. <_
  5. I know, it's just that you got a one month start over me in posting. Every time, you seem to be 1100 posts ahead of me. You just post too much. BTW, almost at 3000.
  6. Yeah, "Shop". I do have a terrible habit of puttings e's at the end of words..... or not.
  7. Maybe they can get a discount from the WFG Shope. <_
  8. Let's see..... 2880 posts for me now, plus an average of 17 posts a day. B-) But I'll never can catch up to Tim.
  9. http://paul.merton.ox.ac.uk/filmtv/overlord.html Ever noticed how most evil guys always seem to fail because they make the same mistakes over and over again? Using this website I found, any of you WFGers can successfully become an evil overlord like your truely and not get overthrown. Any other tips on being a succesful bad guy is also welcome.
  10. I vote for the Babylonian Gardens with a Hanging quality to them. B-)
  11. Well, for my age I'm not that tall. But I am taller than my mom.
  12. I wonder if we should encourage all the important forumers to post their pics here so we could use them for future uses?
  13. Warning, do not click this link if you fear the Quizno's spongemonkeys!!!!! WFG or Randy Sage can not held be accountable for any sort of damages caused by clicking on this link. You have been warned. For you wonderring types, this is what Quizno's based those evil things after. MSN had a story on those evil demons and that's how I found this. Now, someone get us on-topic......
  14. I was wonderring when you'd show up. We thought you'll never come back so we decided to take away your MotM Icon. In fact, we even punished your bro by taking his GotM Icon. JK about that, amigo We'd never do that.
  15. Laugh at me now but soon, forumers will be bowing to me for I'll have the biggest postcount. So I do have a competitive nature but hey, what can you do?
  16. Well, at least the BOT can replace some of Tim's forum posting duties. B-) *Gives out evil laugh*
  17. @CO: I'll probably most likely rent a great movie rather than go to the theature. I'm just that lazy.
  18. @BOT: I was wonderring, why do you say "Greetings" every time you post? Dosen't that seem a bit unneccessary?
  19. Don't really know how to help you Tim, to be honest. I'll just say Good Luck to you and your Mother and to try to find as much help as possible.
  20. Whn are you going to see it Nathan? And I'll probably not see it, as I don't go to movies unless it's part of some sort of series.
  21. *gasp* You can actually talk, BOT. And thanks for finally answerring my question. B-)
  22. Hmm... a RTS in the "Stone Age" seems interesting. B-)
  23. Oh yes, don't forget to add the month and year to each frame, as well as real name if possible.
  24. Congrats Bulgaria on your independence day.
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