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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. Well, guess you changed some stuff since I last went there (quite a long time).
  2. Foolish Norseman, any who spend excessive time on computers like I have no need of workouts. In other words, no. Maybe I should but I loose computer time if I do so.
  3. I visit GenChat the most. I'm not "intellectual" enough for the HoI, I could care less for music, and I don't know much about computers.
  4. Activity, lack of excessive post factories, and smilies.
  5. @Tim: While you're waiting for a new relationship, join the Club of Proud Singles.
  6. Yeah, I noticed WarLord is mainly a Norwegian clan and thus, hardly any English is spoken there. <_
  7. *Looks to the leftmost button, which clearly says "Report"* DOH!!!!
  8. Fine, we are the WFG Army, beat that. Back on-topic: Maybe it's just because I'm a mod but I can't seem to find that report button.
  9. Further proof that you need to waste your well earned vacation money in the States. After all, you once got the impression that we all drove around in golf carts.
  10. I bet if an American did show of this type of show for any other nation, he'd get similar results. And even if most caught on, he would of course only air those that didn't caught on since that whats the most entertaining. Always remember that not everything you see or hear on the is total fact and has be tweaked around by others.
  11. BTW: Sol happens to be Spanish for sun.
  12. Well, just what you eating anyways Curufinwe? But not all of our fastfood establishments are only hamburger places. We have places for mostly chicken and hot dogs as well. But the majority of fast food resturants will serve hamburgers, and nearly all serve fries or a similar potato product. But at many of our sit-down resturants, burgers and fries are not dominant (it depends on what type of restruant it is).
  13. And I let Timme call me Black OP, despite the fact that last "p" is supposed to be lowercase.
  14. Hola Luke! Just what did you do for AoKH that made you important (I conisder myself a foreigner in the RTS community, for I prefer FPSs )?
  15. @Amy: I bet all the books you like involve Dragons in them one way or another.
  16. So, what types of books or subject matters do you like reading about the most? Do you like books about some historical period? Science fiction? Linguistic books? Even game books? For me, most of my books deal with the military (from Roman times to present), aviation/space, and many game guides I got throughout the years. Oh, and not to mention a few books about Middle-earth.
  17. I had some popcorn at about midnight last night.
  18. I grew up watching Star Wars #4-6 and so I still like those films much. Only about the spring of 2001 did I start reading LOTR, and it took until last year for me to finish them all. However, I finished Silmarillion at a more efficent rate. But enough about that, I may go see these forums after I eat my soup.
  19. Go on my computer, or read a book. Both go well with isolation to make me relaxed.
  20. It's more than $2 a gallon here now.
  21. Timbo won't be back..... until 8 or 9 PM Pacific Time.
  22. And their Extended Editions....... in fact it's better just reading the books themselves.
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