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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. He is a English teacher, thus explaining his good English (Curu's French).
  2. *Thinks of most cliche answer possible* "When it's done."
  3. It's more than half a day away as the car drives IIRC.
  4. Have a good trip. Just don't be as stupid as inprisonning yourself on Alcatrez Island.
  5. Interesting, I would think most Americans would consider Lincoln more of a hero than a jerk. We do have a holiday named after him after all.
  6. You see, after my dog Gothmog mauls Curufinwe, Curufinwe's body gets all firery and then he dies.
  7. While we're here, here's the website for my home of Anaheim (of which Anaheim Hills belongs to): http://www.anaheim.net/
  8. Oh yes, I do enjoy stealing those Silmarilli Curufinwe makes. Methinks they can be good crown decorations.
  9. In your opinion, what things or elements does the area you live in have that seperate it from the rest of your region, country, ect? The community? Places to eat? Good climate? Low density? And also other factors..... As for me and my area of residence of Anaheim Hills, everything I need is always close by, the weather's always nice, and even if I don't live in a rich area, it dosen't feel like a slum or lower class area. I also know the area quite well and I don't feel like having to find everything if i move out.
  10. Wow.... How isolated are you from the rest of the outside world Uppy?
  11. Yeah, people say a lot of things about us, like we went into Iraq just for oil, we're coverring up evidence of alien visits to Earth, ect. But those IMHO are just opinions made by others for various reasons, and unless proof can be found to prove their opinion correct, it remains nothing more than a opinion. Sorry for that rant.
  12. ROFL!!!! Have you at least heard of someone named Kobe Bryant, who plays for them? If not, I'll suspect you actually live in a cave......
  13. @Yiuel: Fine, maybe you can give independence to Quebec.
  14. Well, it dosen't if you make the picture an attachment. Maybe it has to do with the TLA Forums themselves.
  15. Sorry for being so dumb as to ask this question but hey, it's me! Anyways, when attaching a picture to a post how can you thumbnail it yourself? That way, the pictures posted in the TLA Roleplaying Thread won't be so big. Any help?
  16. I only remember hearing A-Sap in a Gulf War mod for Battlefield 1942 (called Desert Combat). I always hear others call it A-S-A-P.
  17. Kinda hard to make a new country methinks with all land but Anarctica (sp?) already occupied.... <_
  18. News of that development has already reached me a while ago. Do you think the Eyes of the Dark Tower are blind?
  19. Pride, and the belief that they had not done wrong but the other person/side did.
  20. Edited title to make it now have the censored word, tis the best I could come up based on the subject with so feel free to make a better name ~ Randy
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