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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. Or you can get rabies when the racoons finally bite you.
  2. Hmm... this reminds me of the days back in my old house when I would take pictures of the various birds and mammals that went in our back yard. At one time we even had a mother duck and her young come in our yard. We even flooded parts of the yard before we came so they got something to swim in. We were able to see though the months how the young grew into "adult" ducks. And I never had to go to the park.
  3. Well, my precious racoons finally learned the evil glare skill. Soon they shall deliver me the WORLD!!!!!
  4. EDIT: On second thought, I might as well go ahead and lock this thread. This has become terribly off-topic and further tension could be created. I might as well end this now.
  5. @Yiuel: Meh, tis only Zeus from the Disney film "Hercules". @Jared: Welcome to WFG!
  6. Maybe he does know. Well, there's only one way to extract this infomation.
  7. Hey Shadow! As long as you don't use the font, color or size tags in excess, you'll be fine.
  8. @Adam: Most likely, Mammoth itself is a volcano IIRC. Northern California has many volcanic wonders scattered across it, I myself have seen Mt. Shasta and a old lava tube.
  9. Well at least someone enjoyed the wilderness America has to offer. (
  10. You know Erik, that's a really good tradition. Cheers! :)
  11. Yeah, let's see if we can stop talking about how bad it is to make fun of other countries. I'll lock this is the same posting patterns persist.
  12. @Feanor: Maybe some Frenchman in the US made fries first before the Belgiums got a chance.
  13. Didn't we have a thread like this in the past..... <_
  14. Methinks this is great horror movie material Bobby! :P
  15. Last day of school for me and your birthday! Have a good one
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