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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. @Silent-thunder

    the main campaign of SA will probably cover "The Last Alliance" :)

    but the 3441 years of the SA do yield some good stuff:

    * Founding of Númenor, Lindon, Eregion

    * Dwarven - Northmen Alliance in the first millenium vs. Mountain Orcs

    * Númenórean Explorations

    * The Glorious Days of Khazad-dûm

    * Founding of Lórinand (later Lothlórien)

    * The (first) War of the Rings (from 1693 to 1701): Sauron overruns Eriador, razes Ost-in-Edhil and claims the Seven and the Nine Rings of Power, is finally driven back by combined forces of Noldor, Númenóreans and Dwarves

    * Númenórean Expansion in Middle-earth

    * Ar-Pharazôn the Golden

    * Founding of the Realms in Exile

    * The Last Alliance and the Fall of Sauron

    you see there is plenty of material



  2. you should get the "Annotated Hobbit" by. Douglas A. Anderson

    also some notes on the Professors changes to "The Hobbit" can be found in HoME vol.6 "Return of the Shadow"

    i can't remember any actual riddles - but the "old" story of Gollum (back then no Hobbit !) and Bilbo was about that Gollum wanted (!) to give Bilbo the Ring as a present - but things got out of hand when Gollum found out that he lost it (then its like the second edition again).

  3. heh ... and i was seriously thinking about asking your birthday and quietly ordering it on amazon.com :)

    but don't underestimate vol.11 War of the Jewels - i'm reading it right now - there's nifty stuff in there

    *the 'complete' Grey Annals (meaning the revised Beleriand-part of the Sil)

    *a whole chapter (called 'Eldar and Quendi') about elven speech (even Valarin (!)) which expands upon the Etmytologies from HoME vol.5

    and many more ...

    (just to wet your appetite)

  4. "A figure strode to the fissure, no more than man-high yet terror seemed to go before it. They could see the furnace-fire of its yellow eyes from afar; its arms were very long; it had a red [?tongue]. Through the air it sprang over the fiery fissure. The flames leaped up to greet it and wreathed about it. Its streaming hair seemed to catch fire, and the sword that it held turned to flame. In its other hand it held a whip of many thongs.


    The fiery figure ran across the floor."


    "There is a pencilled note written on the manuscript against the description of the Balrog: 'Alter description of Balrog. It seemed to be of man's shape, but its form could not be plainly discerned. It FELT larger than it looked.'"

    HoME vol. 7 Treason of Isengard, The Bridge

  5. 3 times for me ... once in French (for the premiere) in a theatre full of French people who cannot understand a word of English ... and twice in English ... in a theatre full of French people who cannot understand English but who can read French subtitles !


    that must be fun. alas the cinemas here in austria, where they show the movies in its original languages (only non-english movies get subtitles here) are getting fewer and fewer :D

    only one (although a multiplex) is still showing movies in english - and over the years (along with my DVD-addiction starting in 1999) i've come to really appreciate the "original" language track. especially in movies like the LotR-trilogy the german dubbed version (though as good as it is) cannot cope w/ the original (best examples: Christopher Lee, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis ...) the atmospheric gain is unbelievable.

    btw - to move back on topic (semi-sort-of) - PJ confirmed the running time of RotK:EE as of 4hrs 10 min (its unclear if with or without credits - i'm hoping without) in an interview on monday 27th in LA (read the scoop on tor.n)

    and therefor i'm witholding my opinion on RotK (theatrical version) because for me it is too short, too many omissions, too mainstream (although i liked the multiple endings - for me they were far too short).

    anyway i'm waiting on the Extended Edition (could already be due in October - thats what a german rep of warner bros. said last week, when announcing their DVD releases of 2004) before i will judge the final part of the trilogy


  6. ah ... seems it was me who was overly hasty ... tsk tsk

    but as said in the other thread - an own dedicated server needs mucho dineros - and we'll see how things develop in the near (and not so near) future.

    personally i'd be content w/ "classic" IP-games. don't need no fancy lobby, statistics and so on ... but thats just me



  7. i don't think WFG will have their own server - but the game architecture is planned to work as the classic client-server-model. (meaning one player "hosts" the game while other clients connect to him). i don't know if there will be a dedicated host (meaning - running the game in background with no GUI - which would free up precious cpu muscles and could allow more people in one game)

    "Lets not be hasty"

  8. Will you make Add ons? Will you listen to the fans?

    to put it short - we ourselves are in the first place fans - so i think its a sure bet that the one or other "official" add-on will come along eventually. if its something we (as team) want to see in the game i think its pretty reasonable that an add-on can be expected. but first we'll have to finish the game itself, before we can think of patches, add-ons and stuff like that.

    Will you make pacthes and trying to balance it properly?

    about patches - see above. if we stumble across some serious imbalance i'm sure that issue will be adressed. but be aware that all the different civilisations ARE from their definition by the Professor himself quite imbalanced.

    Will i meet anyone of you guys Online?

    i'm sure we'll take a plunge in the gaming community once TLA is released.

    And please say yes on this one: I know that first come beta, then demo.

    i don't think we'll make an actual demo - it's far more important to finish the game and get it out of the door than spending time to create a stand-alone demo. the beta will be limited to the team and some deserving community members - but since that is so far off right now - i wouldn't hold my breath ;)

    Then last, but maybe biggest, will you have a INGAME matchmaking ONline thing? Like Empires DotMW and Warcraft III (and AoM and so on) ?? I have talked sometime about this at 0ad but it looks pretty bad ...

    again i wouldn't hold my breath for that feature. this is currently not a priority issue. maybe this will come out as an add-on, don't know yet. but certainly it would (atleast for me) suffice if TLA has a solid play-over-IP play-ability (we didn't have any fancy gaming lounges some years back in the advent of internet-gaming, just Kali, IRC and ICQ). rest assured that w/ the current client-server model of the network-engine at least some "gaming lounge"-functionality will be available.

    What's next guys by the way, after TLA ... ? Maybe a RTS based on Harry Potter ! You have to build dormitories within the castle of Hogwatrs and kill the Forces of Voldemort !!! wicked !

    @Curufinwe - you read to much ... err ... fiction B)B)

    However, the team is ALWAYS asking, "What's next on the TLA agenda?"

    i currently cannot imagine what it will be like when the game is done. but i think we'll think of something. there is always some scenario or campaign that is barely hinted in Tolkien's works that might awaken our interest ...



  9. currently i immensely enjoy the later volumes of the HoME-series (esp. vol. 10 Morgoth's Ring, vol.11 War of the Jewels and vol.12 Peoples of Middle-earth)

    for their indepth information and background-knowledge on the Professor's creation.

    my current favorite part of vol.10 is: "Myths Transformed" - a collection of essays on various topics like Morgoth/Sauron's motivations, origin of the Orcs, the revised world-view and so on ...

  10. Mae Govannen Rohirwine!

    welcome to the WFG-Forums and thank you for your interest in TLA. If you are interested in joining our team (as maybe a literature consultant) feel free to apply here.

    anyway - please browse through the TLA site and forums for a short primer on what the project is about and which way we've decided to take. hope you enjoy your stay here and i'm looking forward to read your postings



    p.s. about nicknames - in the team it has become standard to include (atleast) the first name (see our .sigs) - but as a forumer you may do however you choose

    p.p.s. greetings from your northern neighbor-country :D

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